My brain feels constipated with thoughts. The following is a mind dump of all the random stuff going on in my head.
Took the WEC Students to Leadership Rocks over the weekend. 11 of our 50 students became Christ Followers!
We celebrated baptism yesterday at Waters Edge. I had the privilege of baptizing 18 people yesterday. For some reason I kept getting a brain fart right before I asked each person the following two questions 1. Have you asked Jesus to be your personal Lord and Savior 2. Do you commit to follow Him all the days of your life. I jacked it up in multiple services. One hour for the second questions I said something like, “Is it your honor to honor God all the days of your life.”
Most the time I’m not at a loss for words, but when it happens it puts a sickness in my stomach. I’m sure I’m going to get joked on for the honor to honor line.
My wife has been sick since Thursday. I think she has the Bubonic Plague. Apparently it’s really hard to get rid of bubons because she can’t kick it.
It’s March…that means it’s March Madness time for college basketball. Can the Lakers win the NCAA championship?
Going to see Remember Me tomorrow night with the wife. My last experience with a Robert Pattinson film didn’t go so well. The dude sparkled in the sunlight! I’ve heard good things about this movie though. Look for the review later this week.
How does someone get added to the suggestions on a google search? You know when you start to type in something in Google it tries to complete what you are looking for? Well when I type in it offers me I don’t know who that is but it makes me wonder how my blog can become a suggestion.
Easter is less than 3 weeks away. I’m very excited about Easter with Waters Edge. Our services are going to be at the Hampton Roads Convention Center. We may or may not have come up with the sickest opening to any service ever.
It’s Girl Scout cookie time. The season to buy is over but my wife came home with a few boxes that she bought from some of her fourth grade students. Vote on your favorite GS cookie on the new survey on this blog.
How are you feeling about this season of American Idol? I think a lot of people have talent but lack experience. But that is what this competition is all about. I’m enjoying the competition.
Whew…I feel better now.
on March 15, 2010 at 12:43 pm
Good, therapeutic listing Rob. It was my honor to honor your list. The black death is always at the top of my list of common health problems to be sure, but have you considered lupis, the heeby-geebies, and the potato famine as possible causes of your wife's malaise? Don't overlook the possibility that she may have multiple diseases. One can never be too careful in these things. Trust me, I am a doctor.
Rob, I haven't got a clue as to what you said during Simeon's baptism. It's been a long time since I've operated the camcorder, and apparently I've never done it in the dark before, as I took pictures instead of making it record. I almost missed the moment I've been waiting 12 years to see! I did see him go under water, b/c I finally realized I would miss it if I kept worrying about the camera. Poo on technology!
I assume he answered your questions, even if it was to honor God 'til death do you part, or whatever it was!
Good, therapeutic listing Rob. It was my honor to honor your list. The black death is always at the top of my list of common health problems to be sure, but have you considered lupis, the heeby-geebies, and the potato famine as possible causes of your wife's malaise? Don't overlook the possibility that she may have multiple diseases. One can never be too careful in these things. Trust me, I am a doctor.
i imagine easter will be pretty awesome at WEC…hope monshep feels better…
heading to MD to do a youth retreat this weekend…should be fun!
Can't wait to hear your review of Remember me. Rob Pattinson doesn't do any sparkling in this one I promise. Hope Monica is feeling better soon!
Rob, I haven't got a clue as to what you said during Simeon's baptism. It's been a long time since I've operated the camcorder, and apparently I've never done it in the dark before, as I took pictures instead of making it record. I almost missed the moment I've been waiting 12 years to see! I did see him go under water, b/c I finally realized I would miss it if I kept worrying about the camera. Poo on technology!
I assume he answered your questions, even if it was to honor God 'til death do you part, or whatever it was!
Faith, that was a funny comment. He did a great job!