My brain feels constipated with thoughts. The following is a brain dump of all the random stuff going on in my head.

  • Today I’m flying to ATL and back with my Lead Pastor Stu Hodges. We are going to talk strategy with a consultant. Exciting things are coming to Waters Edge this year.
  • It was a great day at church yesterday. Over 100 people became Christ Followers. Can you dig it! 
  •  I’m thinking about doing a post on how I’m an idiot Christian. It’s been said to me by three different people that you can’t disprove science and that Christians are embarrassing because they don’t always agree with science. The problem I have with that is that science doesn’t prove everything. A lot of science is based off theory. I was once told that we evolved from Chicken Dinosaurs by a college professor. If that’s not faith I don’t know what is. Call me an idiot but there are certain things that I believe because the Bible teaches it. What are your thoughts on this? 
  • I’m in the process of sorting through resumes for a Community Group Manager at Waters Edge Church. If you are interested click here. 
  • While working out last week I noticed an older gentlemen wearing a button down shirt, a sweater-vest, and khakis while at the gym. If there is anyone over the age of 60, who reads, please let me know if something happens when you get older that causes you to no longer work out in proper gym attire. 
  • Is it un-American to not really care about the Olympics? I like that we are leading the medal count, and I watched highlights of Shaun White’s gold medal run, but for the most part I could do without them. 
  • I went to my first tattoo parlor over the weekend. Is that what they are called? A member of my adult Community Group was getting a new tattoo and he asked that I come. So I did. 
  • Dear self, if you ever get accidently stabbed take it like Jack Bauer and barely notice. And yes I caught up on 24 this weekend. Watching that episode I kept wanting him to say, “I don’t have time to bleed” (Jesse “The Body” Ventura in Predator). 
  • Last week I had the honor of tagging along with my pastor to a luncheon hosted by Ben Arment. A very diverse group of leaders were there. 
  • Very excited about April 10th & 11th. 10th = TobyMac in concert and the 11th = NeedToBreathe in concert. I’ve got meet and greet passes to both so that makes me even more excited!

Whew…I feel better now.