- I haven’t had a Mind Dump since last year. The pressure’s been building.
- Whenever a new year comes I like to make year jokes on Twitter. You don’t know year jokes? They are jokes like, “Listen, if you haven’t showered and you haven’t changed your underwear since last year it’s ok. It probably means today is Jan. 1.” Or “Tired. Haven’t slept since last year. Good night world wide web.” Or “Just ate chipotle for the last time till next year. It’s going to be hard to wait that long.”
- Have you seen the commercial for the Forever Lazy? It’s a zip up Snuggie.
- Okay, this is just silly. First off the name is too much. If you are attracted to a product called “Forever Lazy” then you are giving up on life. I mean I’m lazy from time to time but I don’t want to wear something that reminds me of it. Second off the commercial is ha-larious. They have people wearing them out in public and they have a line about needing to use the restroom. Apparently they have zippers in strategic places to make it easy to go to the bathroom. I think the line is “for great escapes when duty calls.” Enough talk. Let’s watch this commercial.
- I watched The Dark Knight on TV and then the next day Ten Things I Hate About You came on. It just reminded me how great an actor Heath Ledger was.
- Oh and yes I like Ten Things I Hate About You.
- The other day the wife and I went to a place called The Cheese Shoppe. I ordered my sandwich and it didn’t come with cheese. I added it. I figured it was only right to do so. I was also a little offended that I had to add cheese.
- Have you ever noticed how every time you are around someone who is sick they say, “I’m not contagious.” What is that? Seriously?! Germs are contagious and you are sick. I think that it’s a plan of doctors to keep them in business. They tell people they are not contagious so sick people go out and get others sick. Just a thought.
- My daughter is amazing at the v-sit.
President physical fitness award here she comes. I mean…seriously…look at the picture.
- I stunk at the physical fitness test in high school. The v-sit and the pull ups did me in. Oh not to mention climbing that stupid rope.
- The Force is strong with this one?
My son hasn’t quite figured out how to yield a light saber.
- He got that gift for Christmas and it’s been AWESOME!
- Fridays are my day off and we have the pleasure of watching my nephew. So on Friday it’s become my goal to teach my young
Padawannephew how to be a Jedi… We took the twins to their 9 month doctor’s check up. In the waiting area they were playing Bob the Builder. I can’t support that. A show about building things is going to make my kids ask questions. Questions like “daddy why can’t you build anything? I’m not ready for that.
- When we went in my kids were rock stars. They had to get shots and Hayden beasted his shot. He didn’t even flinch. He handled that shot like a man. My daughter on the other hand handled that shot like a woman.
- I’m kidding about that last dump. Both kids should have cried. I’m starting to wonder if Hayden has feelings in his legs. I’m still shocked he didn’t flinch.
- After the doctor my wife Tweeted the following, “Gotta love a 2hr doctor’s well check & they tell you your kids might have delays bc they dont crawl. Have you seen them high five?!?” That’s funny stuff.
- I bought new jogging shoes. I went to Point 2. It’s a great store because they test your running skills. I was basically told that my stride is jacked up. I don’t think the guy helping me knew what to do with my feet.
- Better candy M & M’s or Reese’s Pieces? I’m going with Reese’s Pieces all day long.
- @StevenFurtick is a quote ninja. He is one of my favorite bloggers and people I follow on Twitter. He tweeted the following, “I wonder how many times I’ve missed God’s YES because I didn’t push through someone else’s NO.” Those are strong words!
- Tebow!
- Or as auto correct on my cell phone wants to say Renowned.
- Did you watch that game last night? Next week the Patriots will be a whole notha challenge.
- My wife randomly bought YooHoo chocolate drink. Now don’t make the mistake in calling it chocolate milk. The box is very specific that it’s chocolate drink. That helps me drink it because it’s not sold in the refrigerator section. That’s right. That junk just sits on a warm shelf. Mmmmm.
Whew…I feel better now.
That commercial. “nuff said.
Bill, I know. Sad.
I want a Forever Lazy. I’m plotting the places I will wear it, like church.
Larry, please take a pic and blog about it when you do that. Very funny.
When the doc lists things my son can’t do, I just tell her, “I know. And he didn’t mow the lawn this week either!”
Ricky, nice. I may have to borrow that response.
Great way to start the week!
I don’t get the Snuggie and I don’t get the Forever Lazy. Just get a blanket if you’re cold!
Jon, I agree. I might could get on board with girls needing this. But if I see a guy wearing a Forever Lazy I’m telling him to zip up his man suit and take that thing off.
Thanks for the video. Perhaps I can wear that blanket thingy to work, but under my white lab coat. That way I stay warm and my peers don’t point and laugh! Have a great one today.
Daniel, I dare you to.
Funny you should mention Reese’s Peices… I just finished a bag, well not a WHOLE bag, a halloween bag… we were disposing of some of the kids candy that had been sitting around for a while and I though what the heck and threw them in my lunch bag… they didn’t make it till lunch and the M&M’s got passed over…
Heath Ledger? That guy KILLED it in Dark Knight… it is a shame we lost such a talent… I think the first time I recognized him and his ability was in The Patriot.
Brian, the Patriot is a great movie.
Some Ice Cold Yoohoo right after a long run! I’m telling ye little Heaven right here on Earth!
Brian, is that your secret to running so many miles? You are a machine.
I don’t know if He’s supposed to be eating his lightsaber. At least he’s not eating the actual laser part. Maybe he’s more R2D2 than Jedi? 🙂
and how does your brain behave in such a way. Boy!
Moe, you might have a point. Or he’s just bad to the bone and takes people out that way. With his hands free he can create all types of mayhem.
We drove our kids crazy at Christmas this year. We threatened to get my wife wife and myself a Forever Lazy and then wear out in public Christmas caroling. Nothing strikes panic in a teenager like the thought of their parents doing something embarrassing.
I would love to see this (he says as ROFL and hiding from embarrassment).
Oh No you Didn’t!
No I really think they would have died from embarrassment, but it was sure fun making them squirm.
This is glorious. Amazing!
Loved 10 Things I Hate about you! Is that comercial for real? I need to get a VT one so I can wear it to the next tailgate.
No clue who you are Kris but I triple dog dare you. 🙂
I’m with Bill. I dare you to. That’d be awesome.
My problem? I am a Steeler fan but wanted Tebow to do well. He did too well. 🙁
Bill, he did. Although next week is a different story. This Steelers team wasn’t the same one as last year. Big Ben was hurt. If Tebow wins next week it will really be amazing.
The sad part of it is…I heard they were coming out with a Forever Lazy with a Hoodie and Bunny Ears attached. They are calling it…
(Wait for it….)
Lazy Wabbit!
Just don’t wear it during Wabbit Season!
Ha Ha! That made me laugh!
Ed, are you for real? This can’t be true. This might be a sign of the apocalypse.
That joke is so bad it made me laugh… thanks for that !
Good stuff this morning. In regards to Reese’s flexibility, Courtney and I were on the floor in our living room yesterday trying to mimic some of her moves. She does this one thing where she puts her toes in her mouth without bending her knees. Needless to say Courtney & I couldn’t do it. 🙂
Monica, that’s amazing. I’ll have to watch her do that. I can barely get my fingers to my mouth. I don’t know where she gets her flexibility from.
Hello from South Carolina! As always Mind Dumps are some of my favorite post on the blog. I am glad you blessed off on me posting similar suited post.
Heath Ledger was a great actor for sure. I am a huge Daniel Day Lewis fan. That guy get’s into character like no other.
Steven Furtick, is the quote ninja. I have a book full of his quotes. I have no clue how much wisdom God has given that dude, but way more than me that’s for sure. Have you picked up Elevation’s Worship CD?
Reese’s defiantly the better candy. There really isn’t much that can touch them. Unless they figure a way to make the Dew into candy.
Joseph, I like how you think. Dew candy would be glorious. I haven’t picked up Elevation’s CD. It takes me a while to like certain songs. I have listened to a little bit of it and it didn’t amaze me. I think I just need some more time for it to grow on me.
REESE’S PIECES. Reese’s Pieces all YEAR long. I think they have some sort of addictive substance in them. Oh wait — there is. It’s called peanut butter.
I love that you’re helping Connor develop his Jedi skills! He sure does love his Uncle Wob. He’s a lucky boy to get to spend so much time with you guys! By the way, I agree- Reese’s Pieces are amazing!
Tebow & Reeses Pieces FTW!
I put my robe on backwards the other day and felt like I was wearing a Snuggie…also felt really stupid. I’ve also seen pictures of myself wearing something similar to the Forever Lazy. I was 2 and it was called a Onesie. Mine had feet. Take that Forever Lazy!
Reese’s Pieces are obviously the better product than M&Ms. E.T. wasn’t lured out of the shed by M&Ms. ‘Nuff said.
I remember seeing Heath Ledger in a very short-lived Xena Warior Princess-esque TV show called Roar. It was his first “big” role. I recall thinking at the time, “This kid is going to be huge!” Amazing talent.
Read an article on CNN about the Broncos-Steelers game. A reader commented words to the effect of: “John 3:16 is important to Tebow. He threw for 316 yards. He passed for an average 31.6 yards per completion. The coach who told him to pass to Thomas is named John. Thomas was born on December 25th. Just some thing to think about…” WOW!