My brain is constipated with random thoughts. It’s time to free up some space with another mind dump…
This is the first mind dump of 2011. That means that I haven’t mind dumped since last year.
I think it’s corny, but I still like to make jokes about not doing stuff since last year. I’ve been doing this since I was a kid. I remember one New Year I said over and over again that I hadn’t got a spanking (yes my parents spanked me when I was bad and no it didn’t kill me) all year. I said it so much my dad replied with, “I can change that.” I think he was joking, but I didn’t want to push it. After returning from a New Years Eve Party at 1:00 AM on Jan. 1 I tweeted, “I haven’t slept since last year. I’m going to bed.” It’s probably corny, but I still think it’s funny to say.
Since starting jogging I haven’t had many goals. Well, except to not die on the side of the road or to get so tired I have to crawl to a strangers house and ask them to call my wife so she can come pick me up. I digress. One goal that I’ve mentioned on this blog is to jog with Danielle Peters. She’s run multiple marathons. I wanted to see if I could keep up. The other day we went for a 3 mile jog. Now I haven’t jogged in a couple of weeks because I’ve used the excuse of having snow in the 757. Let me just tell you it was hard. Jogging with her is like jogging with a Kenyan. I’m not sure if that is racist or not, but I promise I’m not trying to be. I mean it in the highest form of flattery. Kenyan’s are known for doing really well in long distance races. Jogging with Danielle hurt. I was doing fine until mile 2. Around mile 2 I said, “I think I’m having a heart attack.” I then told her about this massive pain in the right side of my chest/shoulder. She calmly replied, “I don’t think it’s a heart attack because the pain is on the wrong side of your chest.”
I’ve already mentioned playing “Call of Duty” (the word duty still makes me laugh) in previous posts, but I had a thought about the next version of the game. I think they should include a chaplain option for the game. As the chaplain you would have to try to get to other players on your team before they die. The catch is that the chaplain doesn’t get a weapon. That would be intense! Oh and the chaplain could also catch people and make them go to church if they use bad language while playing online. Do you think this will sail?
Yesterday someone was smoking a cigar near the entrance of a building I was walking into. I don’t smoke, but I do like the smell of a cigar. It made me wonder, why can’t they make cigarettes smell good? I’m not saying that people should smoke. I know it’s bad for your health. I’m just saying that when people smoke cigarettes it makes me wish I didn’t have a nose. I hate the smell.
I was asked recently what I think about Lebron James and his recent success in Miami. If you don’t follow the NBA the Miami Heat have turned things around and are now winning a lot of games. I’m not saying that Lebron won’t win the title this year, but he has something to prove to me. I’m pretty sure the last two years he led his team to the best record in the league and then got bumped out of the playoffs. In fact his play in the playoffs was awful for a superstar. Until he wins it all he’ll have something to prove to me.
Did you start any New Years Resolutions? I didn’t. I am all about changing, but I want to make realistic changes. Whenever I do a crazy change it never sticks. Sure I’d like to lose weight and I’m trying to, but I want to make small meaningful changes that make a difference in the long haul.
So Michael Jackson is still releasing songs. Either he is still alive like Tupac or he recorded a lot of music before he died. I don’t really think Tupac is alive, but that joker released a bunch of songs after he died. Anyway I downloaded MJ’s newest song “Hold My Hand.” It’s good. In fact I like it a lot.
Now some people will judge because they don’t like MJ’s personal life. I understand but I don’t agree. I hear many people boycott things like movies because of an actors lifestyle. I’m not saying I’m right in this, but if I start boycotting people because of their personal life I wouldn’t be able to listen to any music, watch TV, or watch movies. Where does it stop? I watch and listen to things because I enjoy them or find value in them. I think even the worst person can produce something good. That doesn’t mean that I listen or watch everything. I have standards, but it’s based off of what the product is and not who’s producing it. I don’t agree with the life style choices of most actors, but I enjoy their product. For me they are providing entertainment and shouldn’t be held to the same standard as a preacher. Any thoughts on this?
My wife is watching Oprah and I just happen to be in the room. It’s an episode about the behind the scenes of her show. I wish all churches would put the type of work into a service that Oprah does on her show. I’m thankful that Waters Edge believes that what we do is important and that we work our tails off to make sure each week is a great experience. Oprah said she works so hard because they get to change lives. If that’s true of Oprah then how much more true is it of the local church?
By the way I think Oprah has lost some weight. Good job O!
Speaking of TV I’m thankful new shows are back on. In my opinion all TV shows should be like the show 24 and show 24 episodes in a row. Most series have 24 episodes, but they break it up over the fall and spring. They take too much time off. Just sayin.
We had a doctors appointment this week to check on the twins. If you are new to the blog my wife and I are having twins in April. Everything went great and they both are looking healthy.
Speaking of the twins we have a good amount of baby clothes. I’m not saying we have enough because we will have to dress two. What I am saying is that we did a full load of laundry because of the hand me downs we have been given. Those jokers aren’t even here and they already have us working. I can’t wait until they get to the age where I can have them work for me. First job will be the lawn.
I love that my wife is pregnant. I think she looks beautiful.
Whew…I feel much better now.
on January 6, 2011 at 11:50 am
I agree with you 100% on your point about not boycotting actors, singers, entertainers, etc. b/c of their lifestyle, and in some cases political viewpoint or outspokenness… If they are good at what they do, then they are good at what they do. True, I wish some lived better lifestyles, as they can influence people, but it's not going to stop me from "buying" their product. One of the boycotts that has bothered me the most is the Dixie Chicks. I mean they just said some negative comments about the former president and now you never hear them on the radio. Maybe they shouldn't have said those things, but isn't that why we live in America to have freedom of speech to say things like that w/o going to jail? BTW I love the Dixie Chicks and still listen to them, Natalie Maines has an amazing voice regardless of what she thinks of our former president.
Also, it's a great thing when actors/singers have amazing comebacks due to getting their personal lives back together again, think Robert Downey, Jr., and hopefully Britney Spears will be back on top one day. Maybe instead of boycotting certain celebrities people should pray for them.
Hmmm, isn't Jogging with a Kenyan the new reality show on E! television? Hopefully you can now think straight given that you just took a dump, …. errr …. a mind dump that is. Have a great day!
You rocked the run without a heart attack and even straitened out after 🙂 Your wife looks awesome pregnant. I'm with you on the entertainment. I would rather 'think on what is praiseworthy.' Didn't someone important write something like that? 🙂
I agree with you 100% on your point about not boycotting actors, singers, entertainers, etc. b/c of their lifestyle, and in some cases political viewpoint or outspokenness… If they are good at what they do, then they are good at what they do. True, I wish some lived better lifestyles, as they can influence people, but it's not going to stop me from "buying" their product. One of the boycotts that has bothered me the most is the Dixie Chicks. I mean they just said some negative comments about the former president and now you never hear them on the radio. Maybe they shouldn't have said those things, but isn't that why we live in America to have freedom of speech to say things like that w/o going to jail? BTW I love the Dixie Chicks and still listen to them, Natalie Maines has an amazing voice regardless of what she thinks of our former president.
Also, it's a great thing when actors/singers have amazing comebacks due to getting their personal lives back together again, think Robert Downey, Jr., and hopefully Britney Spears will be back on top one day. Maybe instead of boycotting certain celebrities people should pray for them.
Thanks babe. PS- I've done 4 loads of baby clothes.
Hmmm, isn't Jogging with a Kenyan the new reality show on E! television? Hopefully you can now think straight given that you just took a dump, …. errr …. a mind dump that is. Have a great day!
You rocked the run without a heart attack and even straitened out after 🙂 Your wife looks awesome pregnant. I'm with you on the entertainment. I would rather 'think on what is praiseworthy.' Didn't someone important write something like that? 🙂