The pressure’s been building. The following is a massive mind dump of all the random stuff going on in my head…
If you live in the 757 there’s a great chance that you’ve seen a slew of geese. They are everywhere. Now the problem with these geese are A. They walk across streets. I feel insulted that they can fly and they decide to walk across the street. B. They don’t fear man. These things strut in front of cars and force them to stop. Now I’m not saying that I try to hit these birds with my car, but I do try to put the fear of Rob in them. I often speed up or drive up on them to make them move faster.
I went to the movies for the first time in months. I love going to the movies, but with Monica on bed rest I haven’t made the time. I love going to the movies.
Tonight is the recording of WEC’s first CD. Can you dig it?!! I can’t wait to sing with Phil Poteat and the Waters Edge Band.
My wife and I do crazy things in our sleep. This week we had another exciting adventure. At 12:22 I woke up to “Rob,” “Rob.” It was a calm but serious tone…to be continued…
One thing that I’ve tried to train my wife to do is not react BIG when she is scared. Now I know you can’t really help how you react, but her reaction would scare the poo out of me. There were times when we were walking and her reaction to a bug would make me think I was about to be man napped. When you are a kid it’s called kidnapping…since I’m a man…you get the point. There were also times where she would be concerned as I was driving. Her reaction would lead me to feel like we were about to get run over by an 18 wheeler. She’d slap the side of the door and gasp. In my mind we were dead. In reality we had got a little too close to the curb. I’ve asked her that whenever it’s possible to stay calm when she’s scared because I react crazily to her reaction. She’s done a great job at this. It should be impossible, but she now stays very calm when she is scared.
So back to the crazy sleep…Monica was very calm, but I could tell she was scared. She then said, “someone is in our room.” I quickly looked around the room and I didn’t see anyone. So I tell her “There’s nobody in the room.” She then says, “Yes there is. I just saw them put something on our door and now they are standing on the stairs.” I responded by asking, “Are you asleep?” She says, “No. I’m not. I saw someone put something on the door and now they are on the stairs.” I get out of bed with my dukes ready to punch anyone on the stairs. I walk out, turn on the light, check to make sure the doors are locked, and wait a few seconds for someone to jump out at me. No one did. I get back to bed and Monica lets me know that she woke up telling me that someone was on the stairs.
Apparently I cussed on my blog this week. I’m not a great speller. Thanks to spell check I catch a lot of mistakes. I was trying to spell assess and I left off the final s. I don’t know how many people noticed, but only one person mentioned it in the comment section. Now I don’t cuss, so when I read that I laughed. It was a mistake, but I made it three times on my blog.
Do you play “Words With Friends” for the iPod, iPad, or iPhone? If you play look me up… It’s a lot of fun.
Have you seen Lebron James new commercial? It’s a mini movie. You can watch here.
I think it’s a genius commercial. Whenever you do something different people are going to crucify you. I don’t have a problem with what Lebron did. He may have made a bigger deal about it then what it deserved, but so does almost every football player after they score a touchdown. I think if he wins people will forget about all the negativity surrounding “the Decision.” I’m still hoping they don’t win. I’m a Lakers fan.
My friend Stephen Haggerty posted a very funny review on a new App. It’s called “Phone.” Check it out here.
I’m liking the band Gunger. I heard them at the conference Catalyst. I like the songs, “Beautiful Things,” and “The Earth is Yours.” If you’d like a sample check em out here.
Whew…I feel much better now.
on November 5, 2010 at 3:52 pm
Funny stuff! I don't freak out when I see bugs though- only snakes & when I'm scared we are going to crash. 🙂 One day I'll blog about the crazy stuff you do while sleeping!
O.K., I love the expressions "put the fear of Rob into them" and "man-napped". They made me giggle like a giddy school girl. Also, yes I did notice your cussing streak earlier this week. I figured that you had just signed up for the merchant marine or something and that I had better get used to the new you. So glad that it was just an oversight! Hang loose and beware of invaders into your apartment.
I can't believe I got a shoutout on 🙂 Thanks! 1) Definitely a well-done commercial. Not sure how much of a Lebron fan I am, but Nike did a nice job on that one. 2) I Enjoyed your thoughts on the last post (worth fighting for). I don't think I'd really heard it put like that- thanks for putting that out there without fear of the massive and fiery debate that could have possibly ensued…
Ok… Monica would have to quit that if I were in your shoes. I would be so freaked out and have such an adrenaline rush that I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. Funny stuff though!
Funny stuff! I don't freak out when I see bugs though- only snakes & when I'm scared we are going to crash. 🙂 One day I'll blog about the crazy stuff you do while sleeping!
O.K., I love the expressions "put the fear of Rob into them" and "man-napped". They made me giggle like a giddy school girl. Also, yes I did notice your cussing streak earlier this week. I figured that you had just signed up for the merchant marine or something and that I had better get used to the new you. So glad that it was just an oversight! Hang loose and beware of invaders into your apartment.
I can't believe I got a shoutout on 🙂 Thanks!
1) Definitely a well-done commercial. Not sure how much of a Lebron fan I am, but Nike did a nice job on that one.
2) I Enjoyed your thoughts on the last post (worth fighting for). I don't think I'd really heard it put like that- thanks for putting that out there without fear of the massive and fiery debate that could have possibly ensued…
I don't have a fat clue as to who is responsible for the Lebron commercial, but that person is a marketing genius.
Angie, I agree.
Ok… Monica would have to quit that if I were in your shoes. I would be so freaked out and have such an adrenaline rush that I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep.
Funny stuff though!
Terrace Crawford