My brain feels constipated with thoughts. The following is a massive mind dump of all the random stuff going on in my head…

  • Wearing a Superman shirt must give people the freedom to talk to you. I own a superman shirt and no matter where I were it someone will say something to me.  I mostly wear it to the gym and people who don’t notice me one day will walk up to me and make a Superman comment when I’m wearing that shirt.  I even got called out in a workout class. The instructor told everyone to look at Superman for this next set. It even happened in Mexico.  Multiple, random, Mexicans would walk up to me and say “Superman.” 
  • This week is the Catalyst Conference! I love this conference. It’s my tenth year going. I love it because I get to see a lot of friends that I don’t see that often.  I get to see my best friend from middle/high school, seminary, and my youth pastor. Plus it’s a sick nasty conference that is unlike any other in the world.
  • My friend Chad Johnson (no not the football player) is the Catalyst Concierge. He asked me to host two luncheons at Catalyst. The first is with Seth Godin, and the second is with Perry Noble.  It’s my goal to not say anything stupid. That’s not always easy for me.
  • I’m still jogging. If you are new to the blog…I hate jogging.  I’ve actually started to not hate it as much as of late. I still miss watching TV while I work out, but it’s getting a little easier. I did however get a lil joggers nipples after jogging 3 miles.
  • Speaking of joggers nipples multiple people have suggested things like a bra or a bro to me. Not only am I never going to wear that I’m also NEVER GOING TO WEAR THAT!!!! I’d rather bleed.
  • Yesterday at Waters Edge was AMAZING! We baptized 50 people, Lead Pastor Stu Hodges killed the talk, and I got to do a little diddy with Phil Poteat and the Waters Edge Band. I hope to post the video of it sometime on my blog.
  • Mike Dominice is a guitar ninja and he volunteers his services to Waters Edge Church.  Not only is he talented but he rocks really hard. So hard that after jumping in the air he fell to his back, rolled to his knees, and kept rock’n the whole time. It was awesome. He asked me at one point if I’d been doing my rock squats. I laughed. He said he was serious. I should have listened. My knee is swollen and throbbing and I think it’s because of rock’n with the band.
  • Football is back. Even more exciting than that the NBA is back. I now enjoy watching SportsCenter again. I watch daily whether I need to or not, but now that the NBA is back I really love it.
  • I hate switching deodorant. They didn’t have my brand so I am currently using a different kind. I don’t mind the smell, but it’s like my armpits can’t handle the change. They itch. I don’t want itchy armpits. I’m tempted to go deodorant-less, but I think that would be a lose lose.
  • This Wednesday we are at week 11 with our pregnancy. Week 12 is the BIG milestone that we are hoping to get to. The Dr. said that after week 12 miscarriages are less likely.  We appreciate all the prayer support people have been giving us and we would love the continued prayers.
  • I love the Fall. It’s my favorite season. I love wearing long sleeve shirts with shorts. I love that I don’t sweat to death outside. Love it.
  • I feel bad for September. It’s still technically summer, but nobody likes this month because it represents going back to school. It doesn’t feel like summer, but it also doesn’t feel like the fall.  There are also no major holidays that make you love September. I know it has Labor Day, but A. That’s not a major holiday and B. It’s called Labor Day. It’s hard to love a day with the word labor in it.
  • I think I may have to grow a mustache. Or at least I may have to grow a soul patch. Unless God answers my prayers it’s only a matter of time before I shave my head and go with the bald look. I don’t know very many guys who shave their heads and don’t have facial hair. I don’t know if it is a compensation type thing or if it’s a club rule.  I’ll find out soon enough. The problem is I’ve never grown facial hair, not to mention I’m not sure I can. Oh and my wife hates the thought of me shaving my head. She also hates facial hair. I’m not sure how that’s going to work out.

Whew…I feel better now.