My brain feels constipated with thoughts. The following is a massive mind dump of all the random things going on in my head…

  • I recently watched one of the good Batman movies. While watching it I had this thought…I don’t think I’d live in Gotham City.  If it was real it would be the worst place to live in the world. Psychos coming up with plots to destroy the city, gangsters running a muck, and grown men wearing costumes. It’s cool in the movies but in real life I’d move to somewhere safer.
  • Yesterday was my 9th wedding anniversary. We celebrated by going to the Jones Institute and having an IVF procedure.  We go back on Sat. for them to put everything back in. In two weeks we will find out if we are pregnant.
  • My parents were going to bring us dinner from Outback. The power went out and Outback couldn’t cook any food. So we ended up with Wendy’s. It’s all good though. We are really blessed, and I hope to eat something a little nicer tonight to celebrate. Oh and my mom brought over some homemade spinach dip and it was amazing!
  • I got a summer cold this week. Those just shouldn’t exist. It’s never a good thing to get sick, but it feels ok in the winter. When it’s hot outside I don’t want to eat hot soup to make me feel better.
  • The cold hit hard on Monday. So I went to Chipotle. When I’m sick it’s better than a bowl of soup and a visit to the Dr. By Tuesday I was feeling much better. Just sayin.
  • I’ve really felt loved over the past few weeks. So many people have mentioned how they are praying for Monica and I. It’s amazing how powerful love is. You can change someone’s life, make their day, and change their perspective by showing love. Amazing. 
  • Our recycling now only comes every other week. I’m starting to feel it’s not worth it. Our bin doesn’t hold two weeks of recyclable materials.
  • Shaq became a Celtic. One word…Boo. I really wish that him and Kobe could squash their drama and forgive one another. As a Lakers fan I’d love to see Shaq finish his career with the Lakers. I want him to retire as a Laker not a Celtic.
  • My sensor lights in the front and back of our house are out. I think there might be a short. I don’t have a fat clue how to fix em, but I miss having them come on. If you’ve read my blog for any amount of time then you know I live in a jungle. Coming home I never know what’s creeping at my front door.
  • I like the month of August. My anniversary, birthday, and vacation all take place during this month.

Whew…I feel much better now.