My brain is constipated with thoughts. The following is a massive mind dump of all the random stuff going on in my head.

  • I had a fun time speaking at Waters Edge yesterday. We are in the middle of a series called “At the Movies”. We are finding spiritual truth in some of this summers biggest blockbusters.
  • Apparently a few people left yesterday at the beginning of the talk. I think they were offended that we talked about Twilight in church. I wish they would have stuck it out because Twilight was just the vehicle we used to relate to people. I’m pretty sure they were Christ Followers and I’m also pretty sure they were judging.  At the end of the day you can’t please all people, but sometimes Christ Followers get on my nerves.  In Jesus day He used the culture to connect with people.  He talked about farming, and sheep, and lost sons.  Things people could relate to.  I don’t mind if people don’t like something but I think they lost out by not giving it a chance.  Rant over.
  • Apparently some scientist has invented birth control for guys. A. I thought they already had that. It’s that very embarrassing and awkward package that if you purchase it everyone knows what it’s for. It rhymes with dondoms.  B. I don’t want to know how this works. There has to be some serious side affects to this.
  • As I was shopping this weekend I had this thought and posted it on Facebook/Twitter…”All women’s clothing stores should have a husbands room with a tv, some sports magazines, and multiple game systems.” I think it would make shopping awesome. 
  • So we found a snake in our kitchen on Friday. Now when I say we I really mean Monica. Snakes are her worst fear in the entire world. We determined he was a ring neck snake.  It wasn’t that big, but it’s the thought of having a snake in the house that is freaky.  
  • Today I’m taking 107 Students and Leaders to summer camp. We are leaving at 6:00 AM for a 7 hour drive. I pray that God gives us protection, and that He moves in our students lives. I just want them to be more like Him. In case you are wondering I’m praying the same thing for myself.
  • I’m bringing an iron to camp this year. Don’t judge me. It’s not like this is a wilderness camp. I’d never torture students like this.  We stay in college dorm rooms and I hate it when my clothes are wrinkled.
  • This week I’m going to be blogging from camp. I plan on posting the highlights of each day.
  • I like the fact that TV now shows original programming in the summer. I remember when it used to be all re-runs. My wife is really enjoying the new shows “Rookie Blue” and “Boston Med”.  Plus summer is when “Wipe Out airs”. 
  • So Lebron went to Miami. It feels like such a HUGE deal. Media outlets everywhere were focused on his decision.  If felt like everyone was talking about it on Facebook. I love that even with it being a massive media frenzy I had one friend ask if he played football or baseball. I love even more that my mother in-law asked who this “Lebron” guy was. 
  • I feel like getting Lebron makes Miami a def contender, but it’s no gaurantee that they will win it all.  I wasn’t alive back when Wilt Chamberlin became a Laker, but it put him with Jerry West and Elgin Baylor. Those are three of the greatest basketball players of all time.  They couldn’t win together. It wasn’t until they got really old, and Elgin retired that Wilt and Jerry won a championship. 
  • So week one of in vitro is under our belts. It was a very interesting week. It confirmed that I thank God I’m not a woman.
  • In vitro is very expensive. I’m not complaining…just stating. It will be worth it in the end. 

Whew…I feel much better now.