My brain feels constipated with thoughts. The following is a massive mind dump of all the random stuff going on in my head…

  • I recently drove by a restaurant in VA Beach called Croakers. Now what caught my attention was the fact that in the parking lot was a ton of senior citizens walking towards the restaurant.  I’m not sure if I was over 70 if I’d eat at a place with the word croak in it. Just sayin.
  • My wife, Monica, and I are pursuing in vitro fertilization and it starts this week.  If all goes well we could have a baby by May. I’m praying that God blesses this effort.
  • I don’t know what causes the human body to randomly itch. What I do know is that it’s a guarantee that if my hands are full my face will start itching. My face goes all day without itching but if I can’t scratch it because my hands are full you better believe that joker is going to start itching.
  • I recently got a song that I didn’t have from my favorite band Needtobreathe. It’s only available if you buy their whole album on iTunes. It’s called “Said too Much.” If you don’t have any of their albums I recommend downloading “The Outsiders – Deluxe Edition” from iTunes. Love it!
  • So far I’m pretty disappointed in the summer movie season. Toy Story 3 has been the best movie thus far.  No offense to Toy Story 3, but if before the summer you would have told me that it’d be my favorite summer movie I’d have told you that you were silly. 
  • Monica took me to see the new Twilight movie.  She promised that it’s good. Look for the review tomorrow.
  • I think that I’ve finally discovered why my wife is so attracted to me.  After seeing the way she responds to the Twilight movies I now know that she likes really pale men. 
  • I’ve been slacking on my movie reviews. I have 3 movie reviews that are all going to post tomorrow in a triple feature post. 
  • I’m very thankful for gift cards. Monica was given $75 to the movie theater. It was AWESOME!  
  • Next week I’m taking 107 students and leaders to summer camp at Crossroads. I love taking students to camp. It’s a great week. I expect God to do some really big things in our students lives next week. I’d appreciate the prayers.
  • I got the chance to speak this past weekend at Waters Edge. We kicked off a new series called “At the Movies.”  If you are interested you can watch the service by clicking here.
  • I’m honored to get to speak at WEC. I’m pretty excited to get to speak one more time in this series.
  • I went to buy some new shorts at American Eagle. I’m thankful that I’m not a girl. Every girl that shopped there or worked there wore clothes that showed a lot of skin. I’d feel naked if I showed that much skin. It must be really hard to be a girl and buy clothes that don’t show off all the goods.
  • Lebron James needs to hurry up and make a decision about which NBA team he’s going to. I love what Conan O’brien said about it on Twitter…”I don’t care where LeBron James ends up… As long as it’s not at 11pm on TBS.” That’s funny.
  • I hate getting haircuts. I don’t really know why, but I do. I resist getting one as long as I can. I’m about 2 weeks past due. My sideburns are puffy. I hope to motivate myself to get one this week. 
  • I bought my first Blu Ray this past week. I got paid for a speaking engagement and so I splurged and bought “Toy Story” with DVD & Blu Ray. I still remember my first DVD…it was the “Patriot.” That was a lot harder transition for me because I had to say goodbye to my VHS tapes. At least Blu Ray plays DVDs.  Even though Blu Ray plays DVDs because DVDs don’t play Blue Rays I went with the combo. 

Whew…I feel much better now.