My brain feels constipated with thoughts. The following is a brain dump of all the random stuff going on in my head.
Phil Poteat, Worship Programming Manager at Waters Edge, is doing a concert at Tuscany tonight. If you live in the 757 you should go.
I mysteriously hurt my back on Tuesday. It started hurting right as I walked into the gym. I preceded to work out with weights and I hurt it worse. It feels better today, but it is still not 100%.
I’m excited about church tomorrow. Lead Pastor, Stu Hodges, has a great talk prepared.
Everyone I know is going to see The Hangover. I wish it was rated PG-13. I hate when they make Rated R comedies. They add stuff that I just don’t need to see, so most of the time I don’t go to see the film.
I’m going to do a series of blog posts entitled Does Jesus Taste Like Chicken. Stay tuned.
The Lakers can win their 15th championship tomorrow night at 8:00 PM. I don’t think they will win it in Orlando. I hope they do though.
The Fray are coming to VA Beach tomorrow night and I am missing it.
Even worse NeedtoBreathe is coming to Busch Gardens tomorrow night and I am missing it.
Good thing is NeedtoBreathe is coming to Norfolk next Friday. I’m there!
I’m wondering what your plans are for the weekend?
Brian Miller
on June 13, 2009 at 4:20 pm
working all day today…quick break here before i head off to another appointment. tomorrow I am serving in the preschool environment…fun!
Excited about Phil Poteat aka BUB playing tonight! Wouldn't miss it! And then of course… teaching WeeWorld twice and attending a WEC service! Love Sundays!
sigh…. yeah, i saw the hangover.. and the funniest parts would have totally been intact if the movie were pg-13.
as for this weekend, i just got back from a friend's wedding… about to power-nap, then head to Sonic for some hang-time… then Capture the Flag 2nite @ kiln creek park. pretty excited about that
you are a man with alot on his mind… here's a random mind dump via * i lost at "Rob Says" VERY QUICKLY today * i loose at "Simon Says" all the time * Scott and I are watching a program called "Sounds of the Finals" and my heart is bursting for Laker support! WOOOOO!
working all day today…quick break here before i head off to another appointment. tomorrow I am serving in the preschool environment…fun!
Does Jesus taste like Chicken…can't wait!
Today, hanging out with Maddie and celebrating her 5th grade graduation. Tomorrow is work and then WEC. Looking forward to your upcoming posts.
Excited about Phil Poteat aka BUB playing tonight! Wouldn't miss it! And then of course… teaching WeeWorld twice and attending a WEC service! Love Sundays!
sigh…. yeah, i saw the hangover.. and the funniest parts would have totally been intact if the movie were pg-13.
as for this weekend, i just got back from a friend's wedding… about to power-nap, then head to Sonic for some hang-time… then Capture the Flag 2nite @ kiln creek park. pretty excited about that
you are a man with alot on his mind… here's a random mind dump via
* i lost at "Rob Says" VERY QUICKLY today
* i loose at "Simon Says" all the time
* Scott and I are watching a program called "Sounds of the Finals" and my heart is bursting for Laker support! WOOOOO!
Jessie, Scott told me you guys watched that. That means a lot to me. The best sound of the finals was the victory last night!