Michael Jackson was the first superstar musician I remember. I remember in first grade a kid in my class had the red jacket MJ wore in beat it. I remember being a kid and wearing one glove because of MJ. I remember when I first saw the moonwalk and immediately attempted to do it.

When I was a kid a Michael Jackson video was an event. My parents said I was too young to watch Thriller, but I remember it premiered on network TV and everyone wanted to watch it. Who can forget the videos for Beat It, Bad, or Black or White? Huge celebrities appeared in almost all of his videos. Wesley Snipes was in Bad, Michael Jordan danced with him in Jam, Magic Johnson and Eddie Murphy co-starred in the video for Do You Remember the Time, the kid from Home Alone rapped in Black or White, Joe Pesci played the villain in Smooth Criminal, and the list could go on. They may not seem Huge now but they premiered in the peek of their fame.

He was an amazing showman. I remember when he preformed at the Super Bowl. It is one of the best Super Bowl performances of all time. I wish I would have been able to see him in concert. Chris Brown, Justin Timberlake, and Usher all pay homage to Michael by the way they preform today.

Over the last few years it’s been easy to forget just how revolutionary Michael was. In the last couple decades his personal life has made more news then his music, but he will be forever remembered for the songs he created. Whether it was his work with the Jackson Five or as a solo artist Michael made classic, timeless music.

What is your favorite Michael Jackson song?