Men and women are not equal. Now before the feminazis crucify me let me explain. Equality means that something is the same in measure or worth. 4 is the equal to 4. Woman typically are not equal with men when it comes to muscle mass or strength. Woman and men are not equal in their emotional make up. It doesn’t mean one is better than the other, but the emotional make up is different. Men are not equal to woman when comes to the ability to birth a child…thank God.

Men and woman are not equal and I’m thankful. I’m thankful that my wife and I are gifted differently. I’m glad that we bring different things to the table. I’m glad that in some areas she is way more gifted than I am. Now humans beings are all valuable because they are created in the image of God. But saying men and woman are equal is like saying all pro football players are equal. It’s just not true. My wife has more value than I do in certain areas (spelling, motivational drive, and attention to details) and I have more value than she does in certain areas (rapping, remembering memories and stories, and according to her I make better home made cookies). True harmony comes when we celebrate our differences and learn to work well with each other. I need her differences in my life and I’d hate it if we equals.