Last night me and some friends experienced Lifehouse with NeedtoBreathe in concert. The best part was that it was free. The concert was at The Naval Amphibious Base in Norfolk. I love both bands, but as I’ve mentioned before NeedtoBreathe is one of my favorites. It was a fun night of hanging out with friends. I even ran into one of my high school buddies, David King. He saw the update I posted on Twitter/Facebook and drove over to the concert. Good times.

Pictured Above: NeedtoBreathe rocking out.
Song you may have heard: More Time
Song you should download: Signature of the Divine
Pictured Above: Danielle and the brothers of NeedtoBreathe.
I was proud of Danielle.
She stepped up her stalking game (to hang with Rob and Jamey)
in order to meet the band.
Pictured Above: Jamey. He kind of looks
photo shopped in but he isn’t.

Pictured Above: Rob with two of
the members of NeedtoBreathe

Pictured Above: Lifehouse.
Songs you may have heard: Hanging by a Moment, You and Me, First Time
Song you should download: Broken