I like to push people. Whenever I see one of the guys from my Student Community Group and they don’t see me I will give them a lil push. It’s not so hard that they feel like they are getting attacked, but it’s hard enough to knock them off balance. They never seem to mind being pushed. In fact they always greet me back with a smile and some dap. You know dap? It’s when you do something different then a handshake. Sometimes it’s a three hit palm to palm (similar to a five but done three times). Other times it’s a form of a handshake that leads to a hug for no more than 2.5 seconds. Anything longer then 2.5 seconds gets awkward. Anyway I digress.
There are a handful of areas where I get pushed on a regular basis.
- My co-worker Josh Wilson pushes me when it comes to jogging. He recently ran a half marathon and he’s lost a lot of weight with jogging. I’m pushed to want to run when I talk to him about jogging.
- I like reading books that push me out of complacency and get me closer to God. Books by Francis Chan, Steven Furtick, and Mark Batterson have pushed me.
- I like hanging out with my brother. He’s the funniest guy I know. He is also very positive and genuinely has a great attitude. He works in the sewers for a living and not only enjoys his job, but he works hard with a really good attitude. That pushes me.
- There is a couple at our church that pushes me on a regular basis. Eric and Stacy Froyen push me with their kindness. They are always so thoughtful and kind with their words. I often think about doing nice things for other people, but I forget to actually follow through. They don’t forget. In fact they go above and beyond with their thoughtful gifts.
- Monica and I hate debt, but we also hate doing a budget. We manage our money with a budget, but we don’t do a great job of planning ahead. Our friends Jamey and Carlyn have pushed me to set goals and plan ahead.
Now for most of these examples people didn’t set out to push me. They were just being who they are and I felt the affects of it. Hanging out with them pushes me to be better. Nobody likes someone to be pushy with their beliefs, and passions. But when you live passionately people will feel it. People will be affected by your words, and your actions. By the way if you are feeling complacent then try spending time with someone new. The truth is that in this day and age there is no excuse to not be pushed. If you need to be pushed find a good book, a good blog, or even a good Facebook poster and stalk them in a non creepy way. The key to be pushed it to be around people who push you.
I want to be the type of person that pushes people. I want to push others to love more, laugh more, and get the most out of this life. It’s far too easy for me to get complacent in this life. I’m thankful for people who push me.