There is a local dinning establishment that is called SUBPlus. Ever heard of it? I thought not. Now what stands out about this sub shop is the fact that it used to be called SUBWAY. Ever heard of it? I thought so. SUBWAY is HUGE. In fact this year it has surpassed McDonald’s as the restaurant with the most franchises in America. I love SUBWAY. I keep hoping that I will be like Jared and lose weight on the SUBWAY diet. Did he eat the foot long meatball sub cause it’s not working for me? I kid, I kid. I get a foot long roasted chicken on wheat bread with a little bit of lettuce, onions, green peppers, and lots of sweet peppers. I digress.

Now SUBPlus stands out because it used to be SUBWAY. Instead of completely remodeling after the take over they kept everything the same. The only visible change is that they replaced WAY with Plus. It’s pretty funny to drive by.

It got me thinking about my faith in God.

The Bible says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV). There are some aspects of my life where I feel like a new creation. There are other areas where I feel like I’m not that new.

According to this verse I am supposed to go from a SUBWAY to…let’s say a Chipotle. Mmmm Chipotle! They kind of rhyme but they are very different restaurants. One serves subs and one serves amazing burritos. There are some areas of my life where there is a distinction like this. There are other areas where I say I’m a new creation but I’m really not that different. It’s like going from SUBWAY to SUBPlus.

For years I’ve said that my favorite verse is the one mentioned above. I’ve been thinking about what it literally means to be a new creation. I’ll tell you that it’s not just changing a few things and hoping nobody will notice. It’s having a complete overhaul because of what Jesus is doing in your life.

So what do you get at SUBWAY? What is your favorite Bible verse? Would you eat at SUBPlus? See you in the comments.