I’ve been struggling with a thought. Not struggling per say, more like waffling. I’m not really sure why they call it waffling because waffles are amazing. I like my waffles with chocolate chips. Mmmm waffles. I digress.
I really wanted to speak at a local Chrisitan school. A bunch of guys from my Student Community Group attend the school and because they are seniors I wanted to speak at their school. I wrestled with whether or not I should ask to speak or just wait for God to open the door. I ended up mentioning wanting to speak to one of the guys and within a week I was contacted by the school. If I ever get around to writing a book I want to promote it. I often want to tell people about my blog, but I don’t want to be all about me. `
So in your opinion is it wrong to promote yourself? Why or why not?
Nah, not if you're doing it in the right humble attitude homie. If you're not wanting to promote yourself, I can help you out.
I think it depends on your attitude and your purposes. It also depends on what you say and how you say it.
What better message to promote than the life, marriage and family that you and Monica share? Look around at what is promoted today-BLECK! As someone who lived in disobedience to God's call for 20 years…..If you feel God is calling you to write and speak, you better do it. Just sayin'.
isn't melissa a genius? wow. well put. i think that if you promote yourself to spread the Word and encourage a positive life, that's wonderful. if you do it to make money and get recognition, that's a different story. i can't imagine you promoting yourself for anything but true intentions.
Yeah… Melissa just about nailed it!
Maybe a matter of intent. Pushing through, trampling on others to get ahead–no.
However, letting others know your desires is sort of letting your light shine so others can see your good works and glorify your Father. We have an obligation to not only use, but multiply the talents we have been given. That often involves promoting what we can do–which is sort of meeting a need for others as well as providing the opportunity to use one's own gift.
I always have heard there is a thin red line between sanity and insanity. I think there is a thin red line when it comes to our motives, and this issue is about motive. Most of the time if we take time to pause we can identify our motives but if not God always knows….I can remember back to when I was 13, you allowing me to pester you into driving us to Dairy Queen in June (not the month, but your Neon) and having conversations along these lines. You helped me a lot through that.
i think your intentions speak greater in this…why do you promote yourself, to draw attention to you or to your message….
This was a spot on comment.
It's easy to say that the intentions are for God, but I pimp my blog for even silly posts.
Thanks Billy.
Mim, good point.
Melissa is a genius.
Daniel, I agree – but I'd love to know what it specifically depends on.
Ghaudy, you are the man!
The "why" is important. Are you promoting yourself so that you can get $ or notoriety or an ego-bump? Or are you doing it in order to put a spotlight on Jesus and what He accomplished and is accomplishing? The why is important.
Great thoughts Rob. I can really relate. Two Old Testament people come to mind. The first is the now cliched Jabez. We should want God to increase our influence. Nothing wrong with that as long as motives are in check. The second is the old widow who was told to prepare her jars even as she had nothing. I constantly ask myself if I'm getting my jars ready or not cause when God sends the rain I don't want to be scurrying about looking for Dixie cups.
Same thing in our time. Get the blog going. Build community. Write the book. And give the talks. The way I figure, we need to knock on some doors and see if an opportunity is there. God will let us know as we go right?
Well, I've found that if I don't promote myself (or actually my business), it won't grow. I'm uncomfortable with it sometimes, but I have to do it. I'm not great at it (promoting myself, that is, I am great at personal training), but I'm still learning how to do it. I can't sit around hoping for clients to knock on my door. I have to do what I can do, then rely on God to do the rest. Hey, that sounds familiar…;)
Faith, it sure does.
Clay, I love your comment.
Seekingpastor, that is what is so hard for me. Even when I am not doing it for the wrong reason I end up taking credit, enjoying the attention etc. The why is oh so important.
Rob, this couldn't come at a better time for me. I'm working on getting my blog going and I feel God has really laid my posts on my heart to share with others. However I often wonder how much should I promote it, how much is too much, and are my intentions in the right place? I want to believe that I'm trying to put my blog out in front of people to reach them for God, but the prideful human part of me also wants to get credit for my writing style and having a voice. I think the King James Version would read something like: Checketh thyself before thou wrecketh thyself. I want to have a pure heart and pure intentions. I don't think God would allow something to be very successful for very long if the heart wasn't in the right place. You're doing a good thing, Rob. Keep it up!
My wife graduated from Liberty in '09, and either in a class, convocation or a seminar for seniors, the speaker told them that the number 1 complaint employers have about Liberty grads is that they didn't know how to promote themselves in interviews. I've been trying to promote my business and get over the awkward feeling of talking myself up and convincing potential clients that they should use me.
Thanks Derek!
John, that is really helpful. I actually graduated from LU in 2002. Thanks for the comment.