I’ve been struggling with a thought. Not struggling per say, more like waffling. I’m not really sure why they call it waffling because waffles are amazing. I like my waffles with chocolate chips. Mmmm waffles. I digress.

Here’s the thought that I’ve been waffling about…is it wrong to promote yourself? Here’s where the waffle comes in…Jesus said the first shall be last and the last shall be first. I know that the easy answer is to say no you shouldn’t. That’s typically where I try to land. On the other hand if God has given you a message shouldn’t you promote it?

I really wanted to speak at a local Chrisitan school. A bunch of guys from my Student Community Group attend the school and because they are seniors I wanted to speak at their school. I wrestled with whether or not I should ask to speak or just wait for God to open the door. I ended up mentioning wanting to speak to one of the guys and within a week I was contacted by the school. If I ever get around to writing a book I want to promote it. I often want to tell people about my blog, but I don’t want to be all about me. `
So in your opinion is it wrong to promote yourself? Why or why not?