I iron my clothes everyday. It started in high school. I remember a girl in my class wore something with wrinkles and people made fun of her behind her back. I didn’t want to be made fun of so I started ironing. From time to time I even iron my clothes to the gym if they are extremely wrinkly.
Come to find out not everyone irons. In fact most of our friends don’t. We’ve stayed with friends on multiple occasions who didn’t know where their ironing board was. When we ask to borrow the ironing equipment one of the first comments we hear is how they hate to iron.
I guess other people’s clothes either don’t get wrinkled or their wrinkles fall out before I see them because I don’t know anyone else that irons. How about you…do you iron?
I hate wrinkles and I iron all the time. Of course some clothes do not require this much attention.
I never iron, but not ironing does come with a price. As soon as the dryer stops, I am running to get the clothes out so they don’t wrinkle. And, I buy as many “wrinkle free” clothes as possible.
What is this “ironing” that you speak of? Sounds like something primitive man did with rocks and minerals that he found amongst the mastodon carcasses.
I’m like Scott and almost never iron – although I think I own an ironing board somewhere… Before I buy something in the stores, I do the wrinkle test (technique dutifully credited to my X-wife):
I grab a fistful of the article in question, squeeze like it’s a stress ball, and see if it’s as wrinkled as a Pug. If pops back to its original shape like Rubbermaid, I’m sold! 🙂
I iron my clothes almost daily. I mean you need to look put together not like a big mess.
I grew up before permanent press. Everything had to be ironed. One of my chores as a kid was ironing aprons, tablecloths, dish towels, and handkerchiefs. Once I mastered the simple things, shirts, pants, dresses, etc. were added. Ironing day involved a heaping basket of wrinkled clothes that took 2-3 hours to iron. No more ironing for me. Permanent press materials are a great, modern invention. I read the labels and let the dryer do the work. The few things I have that require ironing are seldom worn. I’m glad ironing is a choice, not a requirement.
ironing – not i. in a rare occasion that i must be dressed up fancy, my wife comes through for me.
We hardly EVER iron. We throw things in the dryer instead. If it comes down to it though, usually Billy will iron stuff before I will.
I’m an advocate for ironing. I should start a club. Our board is like a piece of furniture.
hahahaha oh how i fear i am the one who doesn’t know where the equipment is…hahhaa sorry
Courtney are you calling me a big mess? it’s true I am. I really don’t like to iron. I have been known to spray water on my clothes and put them on. I imagine that this helps, but probably not in reality. I have clothes that never get worn cause they are going to require much more than a spray bottle.
I Iron daily. I would never iron gym cloths though, if I went to the gym. Actually a bit of bitterness I’m having a hard time getting over with concerning my wife is our ironing board.
She insisted on getting this ironing board that folds into our wall. It’s slightly too short for my pants to be easily ironed… I’ve worked it out so it doesn’t make me yelling upset, but as you can see from her above comment, she doesn’t ever iron and I do on a daily basis. I’d thought I’d gotten over it, but obviously not, thanks for bringing it up Rob.
Ironing I like. Setting up to iron I hate. Hate wins over like.
I don’t even think we have an iron, much less an ironing board.
Have you tried that magic steam stuff that supposedly irons stuff for you by just spraying it? I think I see it on infomercials all the time.
I don’t iron anything and I wear clothes that are wrinkled. I was even given an iron for my h.s. graduation but I’ve never used it.
We hardly ever iron! We take Bub’s church shirts to the dry cleaners to be pressed. I hang up everything as soon as it comes out of the dryer usually. And if need be, we spray a little wrinkle releaser on the clothes and throw them in the dryer. Ironing is miserable if you ask me!
my wife prays while she irons … I just pray 😉
nope, can’t stand it! When I iron, I end up making more wrinkles and that kinda defeats the whole purpose!
Iron schmiron!! Like Danielle said there are some clothes that never get worn because the wrinkles are too deep to just wear out in the morning. And don’t get me started on “linen” I won’t even buy it if it is linen…that material is just impossible.