I iron my clothes everyday. It started in high school. I remember a girl in my class wore something with wrinkles and people made fun of her behind her back. I didn’t want to be made fun of so I started ironing. From time to time I even iron my clothes to the gym if they are extremely wrinkly.

Like me, my wife irons her clothes everyday. We just thought that is what people do. I mean it doesn’t matter if my clothes are hanging in the closet or laying in a drawer they find wrinkles. I don’t like wrinkles so I iron them out.

Come to find out not everyone irons. In fact most of our friends don’t. We’ve stayed with friends on multiple occasions who didn’t know where their ironing board was. When we ask to borrow the ironing equipment one of the first comments we hear is how they hate to iron.

I guess other people’s clothes either don’t get wrinkled or their wrinkles fall out before I see them because I don’t know anyone else that irons. How about you…do you iron?