This past Saturday my nephew, Connor, was born. My lil bro and his wife Nicole are the proud parents of a 8 lb 2.5 oz baby boy. He’s super cute! Here are some pics from his first day on the planet.

Pictured Above: Apparently moms in labor have to wear diapers.
My brother and I had a lot of fun with that.
Pictured Above: I have a rule that I don’t hold babies until they can
hold their own head up. They are just too fragile for me. My wife
forced me to hold Connor. Truthfully I didn’t resist too much. I love
him and didn’t want to miss out.
Pictured Above: Me and Jon. He’s going to be a great dad!

Pictured Above: Connor showing off his abs. He’s pretty much the situation.

Pictured Above: I watched as my brother changed a diaper.
As you can tell by the progression I didn’t handle it nearly as well as Jon did.
It looked like black oil and I couldn’t handle it.
Pictured Above: Nicole, Jon, and Connor