I try to be a nice person. I’ve even heard people describe me as a nice guy. It may seem that way on the outside but there are a handful of things that show I’m just not that nice.

  • I hang up on telemarketers. I used to feel bad for them because their job stinks, but then they just kept harassing me. If you call me Mr. Shepherd, Robert Shepherd, and or you pause before you ask to speak to someone then I’m hanging up on you. Those are all signs that you don’t know me, but you want me to buy your product.
  • When I was a kid I blamed my brother for stealing one of my G.I. Joes. I found it right before my parents started spanking him. Even though I found it I still let them spank him.
  • I kill bugs in my house. Until recently I thought everyone did this. I’m meeting more and more people who will actually catch a bug in their house and take it outside. Not me. I don’t feel sorry for the lil guys. If you trespass in my house you will die…bugs that is.
  • I get really impatient with people while I drive. I try not to cuss and I’ve only said one cuss word in the last 21 years of my life. However, I have been known to say substitutes for cuss words. If someone upsets me my word of choice is Jack hole. I don’t know why I started saying it. Sometimes I just call them Jack. I’m basically taking the proper name of a donkey and mixing it with hole. It’s like the beginning and end of two separate cuss words without the actual cuss word. I’m not proud…it’s just what I do.
  • I’m a people person, but there are times when I will walk the other way so I don’t have to talk to some people. I know it’s not nice. Most the time I don’t do it, but there are times when I pretend to not see someone.
  • I openly share my opinion to people who like movies that I think are rubbish. I don’t mean to be a jerk about it. I know my taste in movies isn’t the end all, but I just can’t stop myself.
  • I once squirted random people with Super Soakers from the back of a station wagon with my best friend Chad (not the football player) Johnson.
  • I laugh when people fall.

You see, I’m not a nice person. I’m thankful that I don’t get to Heaven based on being nice. God doesn’t love me because I’m nice or not. He loves me despite of it. In fact He makes me want to love better which in turn makes me nicer. I’m still going to kill insects in my house.