I think honor is a lost art in America. In an attempt to be funny we have turned everything from the President, to Pope into a joking matter. Nothing is sacred anymore. There are a few things that I try really hard to honor. I try to show honor to my wife. I try to respect her and honor her in the way I talk to her and about her. I also try to show honor to my pastor. He is one of the hardest working men I’ve ever met. But he’s not just my pastor he’s also my boss. I think that even if you have an awful
- Teachers
- The person who came up with the phrase “Righty tighty, lefty loosey.” That person has saved millions of people a lot of time and effort when trying to loosen bolts, turn off faucets, and twist soda caps.
- Police
- Firemen
- Church Volunteers
- The inventor of toilet paper – at one time the world used shells. Shells I say.
- Anyone over the age of 65
- Parents
- The inventor of DVR
- The Military
Bonus: Honorable mention to Ms. Pac-Man – the greatest arcade game ever created, and Mrs. Butterworth – the greatest syrup around
Good list, I agree… those are great ones to honor! Let's don't leave out the inventors of Air Conditioning and the Internet!
And I totally agree about honoring your boss. People feel like that is optional, I do not. Either honor and respect your boss or get a different job. Even if they do not deserve it, you must….
Bravo! This is a sensitive topic that does seem to have lost some meaning in today's world. Several scriptures refer to God as the ultimate source of all authority. Biblical authority seems to be allocated to 3 areas: government, church, and family. Government authority would include police, firemen, even teachers. A phrase that sticks in my mind: "We have no authority unless we come under authority." Interesting thought.
Stu did a sermon on this some time ago when he wrote a letter to the president. This idea of honoring our leaders, even if we do not like them or agree with their approach, has stuck with me. Your post just serves to continue to remind me and strengthen me.
I nearly lost my latte over the "righty tighty left loosy" comment. And YES, DVR inventor — I LOVE YOU.
–Terrace Crawford
in once sense i am laughing, in another i am crying…honor due so many…yes, i think it is forgotten…inventor of toilet paper high on the list…everyone is always giving him…stuff.
what about nurses?
Bonnie, I agree nurses should def be honored.