I think honor is a lost art in America. In an attempt to be funny we have turned everything from the President, to Pope into a joking matter. Nothing is sacred anymore. There are a few things that I try really hard to honor. I try to show honor to my wife. I try to respect her and honor her in the way I talk to her and about her. I also try to show honor to my pastor. He is one of the hardest working men I’ve ever met. But he’s not just my pastor he’s also my boss. I think that even if you have an awful boss you should honor them. If you can’t leave your job. Anyway I think that we should show honor where honor is due. Here is a list of people that I think should be honored.

  1. Teachers
  2. The person who came up with the phrase “Righty tighty, lefty loosey.” That person has saved millions of people a lot of time and effort when trying to loosen bolts, turn off faucets, and twist soda caps.
  3. Police
  4. Firemen
  5. Church Volunteers
  6. The inventor of toilet paper – at one time the world used shells. Shells I say.
  7. Anyone over the age of 65
  8. Parents
  9. The inventor of DVR
  10. The Military

Bonus: Honorable mention to Ms. Pac-Man – the greatest arcade game ever created, and Mrs. Butterworth – the greatest syrup around