Yesterday I had the privilege to go to a high school graduation. Congrats to all the graduates that represented Waters Edge!
Class of blah blah and blah. Let me be straight with you. Today is a historic day for you. For some of you it is the end of the best years of your life. Most of you aren’t going to make a difference in this world. The majority of you will end up working in jobs that you hate. You won’t be able to quit because you have to pay the bills. According to statistics those bills will include at least $7,000 of credit card debt. The majority of you will find love and get married. At least half of you will get a divorce. Most of you will never become famous. Most of you will never make your dreams a reality. Like I said most of you won’t make a difference in this world. Unless your willing to do what few people are willing to do. I believe that if you want what few people have you have to be willing to do what few people are willing to do. If you want to make a difference then you have do something different than the status quo. If you want to work at your dream job then you have to be willing to take a chance. You have to be willing to fail and learn from your failures. If you want to enjoy life then you have to resist instant gratification and Visa. If you want a marriage that lasts you have to be willing to do what few people are willing to do and that is put your spouses needs ahead of your own. Today is the beginning of the rest or your life. If you want to make a difference then you have to be different. Refuse to settle for what everyone has. Instead dream big, but work hard until that dream becomes a reality. If you want what few people have you have to be willing to do what few people are willing to do. Congratulations and may you prove me wrong.
I don’t know maybe it’s harsh. It’s just what I came up with as my mind wandered.
i would have you give it at a graduation any day! they can have their dreams, if they are willing…
I know you can't hear this, but I am giving you a standing ovation at this moment! Your words, I might add, are necessary for me to hear, some xxxx years after my high school graduation. Have a great day. Blessings my friend.
I liked that.
i approve and applaud your graduation thoughts! your speech was gripping and challenging. I think too many people, especially today (and I can say that cause I'm a teacher) want life and rewards handed to them on a platter minus the hard word. I think your message is one we all need to hear and be reminded of a times!
Truth. And don't forget to add…
You there in the 3rd row. Wake up and get a hair cut. You look like crap.
hm… i think it's amazing!
Brian, thanks.
Daniel, that made my day.
DP, I aim to please.
Kris, you are awesome!
Jessie, I agree with you about the platter. I need to be reminded of that sometimes.
Scott, that is ha-larious.
Eric, thanks! Congratulations. It was good to see you at graduation.
that was by far at least ten times better than any speech that was at graduation! especially that star trek speech haha! thanks rob!
Great speech! Unfortunately, people sometimes just tune out the speeches at graduations, they chat and goof off and pay no attention! But that one…. people might would pay attention to that!
A very moving graduation speech. It is right on.