I need to see a professional counselor.

I’m a pretty laid back guy. I don’t lose my temper very easily. I get along well with people. I feel like I have a rational mind.

All of that changes when I fall asleep. When I fall asleep I become a totally different person. Last week I fell asleep on the couch watching TV. My wife (Monica) gently tried to wake me up multiple times. Each time she tried to wake me I responded like an angry drunk. I don’t remember any of it, but according to her I snapped at her and yelled “leave me alone.” I’ve never yelled at my wife. I respect her way to much.

A few weeks ago I started yelling in my sleep “GET OUT”, “YOU DON’T BELONG HERE!.” It woke Monica straight up and she jumped out of bed and started walking out of the room. In her sleepy state she panicked because she thought she was in the wrong bed. Once she opened the bedroom door she realized that she was at her house, and I had just gone crazy again.

I’m not a real fearful person. I don’t scare easily. Yet there are many mornings when Monica tells me that during the night I sat straight up in the bed and in a panic said, “whose there…whoooose there?”

One time a few years ago I had a dream that I was laying on an airport runway. A plane was about to land so in my dream I told myself to roll out of the way. It was very realistic.
So realistic I woke up on the floor rolling around back and forth.

It happens to me when I’m exhausted, but that doesn’t excuse my irrational behavior. I need to see a sleep counselor. If they exist maybe they can tell me why I become a totally different person in my sleep. In my sleep I suffer from paranoid schizophrenia, hallucinations, and anger. Does anyone else become crazy while they sleep?