My wife and I recently renewed our pest control contract.  We don’t have many pests, but we wanted to be proactive to prevent them from visiting.  The pest company came to my house and sprayed not only inside of my house, but outside as well.  Now when it comes to pests in my house I’m of the opinion that they are vicious invaders that need to be killed.  I have friends who actually pick up an insect if they find it in their home and then take it outside.  Not me. I have no mercy on the little home invaders.

I had this thought after the pest control guy left my house.  They don’t just protect the inside of the house they protect the outside as well.  They spray to prevent pests from even thinking about coming into my home. 

Worry is a lot like a pest. It appears out of nowhere.  It creeps into our minds.  It often hides in the darkness and scatters when exposed to the light. When it happens to me I want to kill it, but I often allow the pest to stay and fester. 

What if there was a way to stop worry from creeping into our home (aka our hearts and minds)? Read Philippians 4:6-7.  It promises that when we pray to God with thanksgiving Jesus will guard our hearts and our minds.  It’s as if praying before we are worried protects our hearts and minds from allowing worry to enter.  Like cockroaches worry is something that can consume your house. Like pest control Jesus can protect the outside of your home so that the pest of worry can’t enter.  What if you were proactive and called Jesus before you were consumed with the pest of worry? If you don’t call it’s because either you like the pests or you don’t really believe it will make a difference.  I for one don’t like to take a chance when it comes to pests. Just something to think about.