I’m a BIG Lakers fan. Now before you say something silly, like I’m a bandwagon fan, I thought I would tell you about how long I’ve liked the Lakers.

When I was four years old my mom gave me a basketball and pointed me towards a ten foot basket outdoors. I shot and shot until I finally got the ball up to the hoop. From that day on I fell in love with the game of basketball.

During the first day of summer break, way back when I was in third grade, I stayed up late to watch TV. The Lakers were playing the Celtics. I loved watching Magic Johnson play. From that night on I became a Lakers fan. I had no idea about their history or how many championships they had won. The only thing I knew was that I love to watch them.

Unlike most my friends who jumped on the bandwagon of a winning team only to leave when that teams star player left…aka Michael Jordan…I have stayed with the Lakers even after Magic retired. The Lakers stunk for the next few years but I kept watching. I kept watching through the Shaq and Kobe years. I kept watching when they divorced. The Lakers are good once again and I’m loving it. I hope they win the NBA Championship this year. Go Lakers!