Years ago I heard someone smart say “readers are leaders and leaders are readers.”
Because I want to be a good leader I’ve learned to force myself to read. I read a little bit everyday before work. I spend a few minutes reading a book that is going to benefit my job and or me spiritually. I then spend a few minutes reading the Bible. I have a hard time reading for hours so I read for minutes. I chew on a little bit at a time. I enjoy being stretched and I enjoy learning. I just wish I could do it by osmosis.
Here is a list of the books that I’ve read this year.
- Currently reading – Mad Church Disease by Anne Jackson. I love what I’ve read so far!
- How to Ruin Your Life by 40 by Steve Farrar. This book was given to me by someone at church. It’s a good book for teens or early twenties.
- Jesus Wants to Save Christians by Rob Bell. I loved Rob’s first two books. I enjoyed this but I didn’t love it.
- Wild Goose Chase by Mark Batterson. I love Mark’s writing style. I enjoyed his first book, In A Pit With A Lion On A Snowy Day, more but I still pulled some great insight from this book.
Got any new books that I should be reading?
as an avid reader…my list would be long, instead…i still need to send you the audio file Collapse of Distinction, and guess what, no reading just listen.
I think the point of the saying is that leaders need to be involved in conitnued growth and development. When you think you have arrived, you are probably going backward.
90 Minutes In Heaven by Don Piper is life changing.
So pumped you are reading MCD. I truly hope it blesses you!
Whoa, the author commented on your blog.
Brother to a Dragonfly by David Campbell has some great spiritual lessons, but it is an autobiography or maybe it is considered a memoir.
And you’ve probably already read it, but What’s so Amazing About Grace really challenged me as a Christian.
I have to take the opportunity to plug my own book, SHAKE THE DUST, AND MOVE ON, by Marcia Shepherd. It is not a great book, but it is a good book with questions for further thought at the end of each chapter. It’s an easy read of 7 chapters designed to generate discussion and further thoughts in small group studies–available by title or author from major on-line distributors.
Anne, I don’t know if you will ever visit my lowly blog again, but it made my day that you left a comment!
Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Hah… no you really should read it. It’s a great story that’s a fascinating look at the history of North America and gives glimpses into historic North American Christian thought.
When was the last time you read a novel? If you pick up a good one, you might find you like them. They’re far easier to read than any “self-improvement” book.