Last night I came home from an event at my church to the smell of gas. As soon as I walked in I declared, “it smells like gas.” Now typically when I make that statement it’s because one of the high school guys from my Student Community Group has farted. That happens on a weekly basis, but this smell was not produced by any human.

My wife, Monica, said that when she first walked in she smelled it as well. Now gas is not something that I’m willing to take a chance on, so I called the non-emergency phone number. I let the very nice lady on the phone know that I didn’t think it was a big deal but because my wife and I both smelled gas I thought I should call. I didn’t expect what would happen next…

In less than five minutes 5 fire trucks pulled onto my street with lights glaring. As they unloaded we could hear at least two more coming into our neighborhood with their sirens blaring. At this point it’s 9:45 PM. All of that and they found nothing. We were a little embarrassed, but they assured us we did the right thing. It was quite the adventure, but I’m glad it had a boring ending.