Don’t help out around the house. You didn’t marry your mother so don’t expect your wife to clean up after you. It’s not that hard to pick up after yourself. Seriously, don’t leave your dirty underwear on the floor.
Don’t have a job.
Never allow her to hang out with her girl friends.
Allow jealousy to consume you.
Look at porn. If you want to ruin your wife’s self esteem let her know that she is not good enough for you. In fact tell her that you would rather pleasure yourself to an image that you don’t know and that you can’t touch. At some point she is going to find out your secret so get some help. If you don’t you might as well tell her you wish you were married to a picture of a naked woman.
Never communicate your feelings. Typically girls express their feelings more than guys. If you shut her out by being silent then she is going to feel like she doesn’t know you.
Don’t listen to her. Sometimes girls just need to talk about whatever. Guy’s are natural fixers so we want to fix whatever the problem is. Sometimes a girl just wants to be listened to. In fact most of the time she will come up with the right answer on her own. She just wants to know you support her.
Don’t live on a budget.
Forget what you did to get her. If you used romance to win over your wife then you better use romance to keep her.
Put yourself in compromising situations with other women. If you want to ruin your marriage flirt with girls, hang out with girls other than your wife when your wife isn’t present, and fool yourself to think that you can resist another woman’s touch.
on August 14, 2009 at 3:30 pm
All of your points are excellent, right on the money. A crucial one for me was: Don't forget what you did you win her over in the first place. Guys some of us did and paid a heavy price. I implore you, please pay attention. Thanks Rob.
Awesome…BOTH editions. Thanks for being blunt and honest about these things. I think from my own experience these lists are definitely right on. 🙂 Congrats on you and Monica's anniversary, btw. 🙂
All of your points are excellent, right on the money. A crucial one for me was: Don't forget what you did you win her over in the first place. Guys some of us did and paid a heavy price. I implore you, please pay attention. Thanks Rob.
Both of these Rob were excellent and right on. Well done.
Awesome…BOTH editions. Thanks for being blunt and honest about these things. I think from my own experience these lists are definitely right on. 🙂 Congrats on you and Monica's anniversary, btw. 🙂