Thanks to Hallmark everybody has a reason to buy a card 365 days of the year. National Bath Safety Month – check. Great American Pie Month – check. Hug a GI day – check. Talk Like A Pirate Day – check. I’m telling you that there is a day for everything. I did not make up any of those days. Google em.  Well, did you know that October is pastor appreciation month? Even if you don’t have a pastor you should find one to hug. Er…appreciate. Not all pastors like to be hugged.

I think that it’s easy to forget about appreciating the pastor. We show up and listen to him talk, but it’s easy to forget that he spent hours working on a 30 35 30 ish minute talk. Now if you are looking for ways to appreciate your pastor just do the opposite of this post. The following are some ways that you can make sure your pastor doesn’t feel appreciated.

  • Demand that he meets your needs and ignores his family. Call him after work hours. Get mad at him for not coming to your functions. I know that you are important, but so are the other people that attend the church. If the pastor runs to every emergency, crisis, celebration etc. he will have no time for his own family.
  • Complain to him on Sunday. You didn’t like that he said something? Make sure you track him down in between services and download your complaint. Forget about the fact that he has other services. Forget about the fact that he spent hours working on something that you just tore down in seconds. Forget about him and make sure that you find him and tell him exactly what he did wrong.
  • Talk negatively about him behind his back. Nothing says you don’t appreciate your pastor more than talking smack behind his back.
  • Don’t prepare for Sunday during the week. Make sure that you don’t do anything like reading the Bible for yourself, praying, or applying the Bible. Come to church expecting him to feed you enough for it to last you spiritually for an entire week.
  • Forget to pray for him. Sure he is dealing with spiritual attacks, the pressure of being a pastor, and making sure that he is hearing from God before he speaks to the church. Sure he’s got a lot going on but so do you. So forget to pray for him during the week.

So what is one way that you can show appreciation to your pastor?