There are certain things the Bible says that make me uncomfortable to talk about. It’s hard for me to talk about divorce being a sin. I believe it, but there have been certain counseling situations where it was really uncomfortable to talk about.
The problem for me is that the Bible has been used to spread hate towards others. It’s been used to make people feel superior to another human being. I think today many people feel the same way and their discomfort causes them to dismiss certain parts of the Bible. Our discomfort shouldn’t be a reason to dismiss what the Bible says. You can’t pick and choose what you believe. If that were the case you might as well throw the whole thing out.
So how do you define sin? Is it based off what makes you feel comfortable or what the Bible says? In my opinion sin is defined by the Bible, but our knowledge of sin should never cause a person to look down on another human. It should never lead to pride or hatred. Our knowledge should lead us to humility and thankfulness that God forgives our sin.
A very thought-provoking post. I don't have the answers. In the past I have tried to justify my sins when there is something that I want to do but is clearly a sin. I have even asked for God's blessing sometimes when I sin. How screwed up is that? It does turn out that the older I get, the more I feel convicted when I even think about sinning. This never used to happen when I was a young-un. Perhaps it is a sign of growth and maturation.
Even though we are in a world of sin, dominated by Satan, God still loves his children and has given us, through the Bible, principles that protect and lead to a healthy, productive life. Yes, when we reject those principles it is sin–but all have sinned and come short… We each need a Savior. In addition to the spiritual implications, it boils down to quality of life. Certain lifestyles and decisions, contrary to biblical principles have consequences. If I continue to overeat, I get fat and risk diabetes and a host of other complications. We each are faced with temptation–not so different than in the Garden of Eden. Will I believe God and choose His way or listen to the Serpent who whispers lies into my heart, and entices me to ignore God's principles and what is ultimately best for me? Biblical boundaries are protective, and I believe given with a heart of love that yearns for us to have the best in this life, as well as the life to come.
This post was spot-on. Love paragraphs 2 & 3. It's sad that a lot of people have used the Bible to hide behind as they hate those who God loves. It's a hard act to follow when we're called nevertheless to lovingly speak truth. But you're exactly right, we can't throw it out because of how it's been mishandled in the past. Great post.
we're currently talking about homosexuality in one of my classes, and how to approach those who fall into that category with love. it's true about how sad it is that so many people have been treated hatefully, whether pertaining to homosexuality or any other number of issues or sin problems. i can't help but think about "that" church that is often highlighted on the news (Westboro Baptist) who use extreme hate-tactics to display their beliefs… claiming the Bible as their source & reasoning for their awful behavior
That is always a tough spot to be in.
The best thing you could do is share Scripture with them. Either they believe the Bible is all truth, or they don't. Certain sin is clearly laid out in Scripture and can't be "interpreted" in different ways.