I’m currently watching a Rock Band video version of a classic Beatles song. A video game version of Ringo is singing, “I get by with a little help from my friends.” VH1 has been playing these videos for the last couple of weeks to promote the Beatles new game.

Last week my cell phone rang with news that a youth pastor was facing charges of having a relationship with one of his 15 year old students. This youth pastor was married with kids. I’ve received far too many phone calls like this for it to shock me. Not even a month ago I was talking to one of my friends about another pastor who resigned because of an affair with his assistant.

I understand how this can happen. I’m not lonely. I have lots of friends. But I don’t have anyone in my life who talks about the struggles in life. In fact I could make a decision that would ruin my life and get away with it for weeks before anyone would notice. Right now the thing that keeps me on the straight and narrow is my love for God, my love for my wife, and my desire to not let down the Students that I lead. But far too many leaders, who are greater than I, have fallen and it does worry me.

I believe that all of us need “a little help from our friends.” We need to be there for each other before, during, and after a fall. I pray no one ever has to make a phone call about how I ruined my ministry because of some stupid affair. I’m praying even harder that God puts into place the right people who love me enough to ask the hard questions. People who don’t assume every thing’s fine because it always has been. Friends that will be so involved that they notice if I start to do something stupid.