1. Rob has the most beautiful blue eyes I’ve ever seen.
2. He makes me laugh all the time. Sometimes I try to fight it, but he’s the funniest guy I know.
3. I love his laugh. He rarely laughs out loud, but when he does it is worth it.
4. He is passionate about the things he loves. I’m happy to be among them.
5. He is fashion conscious. I like that he loves clothes and irons everything.
6. He plays with my hair. It’s my favorite.
7. He also rubs my back until I fall asleep if I’m having an insomniac night.
8. Among many other chores, he does the dishes all the time. I appreciate his help. We’re a team.
9. Neither of us care about our lawn or our flowerbeds. I love that.
10. Rob makes the best mixed Cds for me. They are thoughtful and romantic!
11. Rob loves my family and never judges them.
12. Rob’s parents are unbelievable. I’m lucky to have married into such a great family.
13. When Rob’s siblings are together, they are hilarious. They have so many funny memories and tell the funniest stories!
14. Rob drove a Neon in college and was proud of it. He’s really loyal.
15. Rob names his cars, and I think it’s funny. The Neon was named June, after Jamey’s mom. His Honda is named Val, for David Reeves’ mom.
16. He has a beautiful voice. I love it when he sings to me.
17. Speaking of singing, he makes up the silliest songs for me all the time and I love them!
18. He loves God more than me.
19. He is a great leader for our family and works hard to make the best decisions for us.
20. He loves Waters Edge, not just because he works there, but because he believes in what it’s about.
21. Rob always puts me first. Sometimes I tell him it’s annoying how much he tries to please me! Who complains about that??
22. Since college, Rob has always opened my car door. He’s a gentleman.
23. He loves my friends that I brought into the relationship. I think some of them like him more than me, and I’m ok with that.
24. Rob makes the best French toast ever! It’s his go to for breakfast in bed for me.
25. I love Rob because he always blows my birthdays and Christmases out of the water. He gives the best gifts & is always creative and thoughtful.
26. He visits my classroom and gets to know my students each year. They love Mr. Rob!
27. He brings me flowers at work for no reason. My boss always asks what he’s done wrong, but we aren’t like that! Rob never needs a reason.
28. Rob loves to travel and go on adventures!
29. He is the best road trip buddy ever! Shima, you are a very close 2nd.
30. He drives everywhere we go. I love it!
31. Rob gives the best kisses. I was his first kiss, which makes me very happy!
32. He holds my hand or puts his hand on my back whenever he can.
33. Rob went to all but one of our IVF appointments. We saw maybe two other husbands throughout our 15 appointments.
34. We are in this together. I couldn’t do life without him.
35. People love Rob.
36. When people at church find out I am Rob Shepherd’s wife, they think it is really cool that I am married to Rob. That makes me proud. One of their first questions is always, “What is it like to be married to Rob?” Haha.
37. When we dated we went to different colleges. One of my favorite things was instant messaging with Rob. The clicking at night drove my roommate crazy, but I loved falling in love with Rob.
38. Rob & I have an ongoing debate about who loves the other more. I loved him first; therefore, I love him more, right? Don’t tell him, but most days he always loves me more.
39. Rob is creative in everything he does, from work to his blog to loving me.
40. Thankfully, Rob is not a homebody. He loves being with our friends and going on adventures.
41. I love that Rob is African American under his white skin. He loves rap and owns at least 7 NBA jerseys.
42. I love watching Rob get to do something for the first time. It’s like watching a kid at Christmas. You should have seen him at our 1st Laker game ever, our 1st Laker game in LA, and our 1st trip to the NBA finals!
43. Rob loves my parents, but still doesn’t know what to call them and it makes me giggle.
44. People trust Rob. I think that is so important.
45. Rob makes better homemade chocolate chip cookies than me.
46. He is more sensitive than me, and I love that.
47. He has the compassion that I lack.
48. He still watches cartoons, and I think it’s cute.
49. Rob is so disciplined. He goes to the gym and has a quiet time every morning.
50. Rob is my hero. Besides Jesus, there is no one I’d rather be like or get to know more.
51. He honors and respects his parents. I think that is important.
52. His brother is his best friend, for which I am extremely grateful! It means I get more Nicole in my life! I love how close he is to his family.
53. Rob took me to a New Kids on the Block concert. If that’s not love, I don’t know what is.
54. Rob is laid back.
55. Rob hardly ever gets angry, and it’s never been at me. He is so patient.
56. Rob is a great listener.
57. I love Rob’s snoring….for the most part. Even though it wakes me up, it reminds me that I am lucky to be married!
58. Rob is man of integrity.
59. Rob is playful.
60. Every night, Rob prays for us before we fall asleep.
61. We have an unofficial house rule, that when I wake up (I always wake up last), I find him to say good morning and give him a kiss. He gets sad if I’ve been up and hasn’t found him.
62. Every Sunday for 9 years, Rob leaves me a note on the kitchen counter to encourage me or remind me how much he loves me. I save all my favorites in a box.
63. I forget something at home about every other week and Rob always brings it to me at school.
64. When Rob goes out of town, he leaves me a gift for every day he is gone. Sometimes they are hidden with notes and sometimes they are laid out with opening instructions. Who wouldn’t love that??
65. He gets so silly and it is the most fun.
66. For about 6 years, Rob packed my lunch for school every day. Just because.
67. I love that Rob does crazy stuff in his sleep. He goes crazy and does wacky stuff, and he rarely remembers. I appreciate it b/c I do stupid stuff in my sleep too.
68. We have the stupidest house nicknames for each other, but I love it.
69. Rob makes me feel beautiful.
70. He spoils me rotten.
71. He is authentic and kind.
72. Rob is confident. The guy proposed in public and we hadn’t even said I love you yet! Come on!
73. He is my protector. He’s killed two snakes in my honor, and when I wake up screaming that someone is in the house, he bolts out of bed ready to fight….then realizes I’m sleeping.
74. He can be really shy, and I think it’s cute.
75. Rob tells me that he loves me all the time. It never gets old.
76. He makes me feel like I can do anything.
77. Even if we are never able to have kids of our own, I am 100% happy with our family. Sometimes I feel bad asking for more.
78. Rob says he’s scared to have kids, and I believe him, but he’s good at everything he does, so I’m not worried.
79. He is the first and only person I have ever been in love with.
80. Rob is my best friend.
81. He makes me communicate with him my needs and wants, which makes for a very healthy marriage.
82. If he’s flipping channels and passes “America’s Funniest Home Videos” or “Friends” he almost always stops there because he knows they are my all time favorites.
83. He makes me want to be a better person.
84. After we get in bed, he frequently gets right back out of bed to put socks on my cold feet or get me a glass of water.
85. He also lets me warm my freezing cold toes between his calves. His body is always so warm, like a werewolf. Too bad I’m team Edward.
86. Every time he preaches, I am captivated. He’s such a great communicator.
87. My all time favorite is when Rob raps at church. He is so talented! The crowd goes wild.
88. I love how committed he is to his blog. The dates, stories, and pictures are a great way to make the memories of our crazy lives last forever. I love his perspective.
89. Rob isn’t what you call a “handy-man” around the house, but he’s good at everything else he does, so who can complain?
90. I love that once we’ve been up for about two hours on a Saturday, we go back to bed for a nap. Good tradition. Saturdays with Rob are my absolute favorite.
91. I love that he has always worked with middle & high school students. It’s one of the first things that attracted me to him and I love, love, love watching him invest in students, hang out with them, and how excited they get to see him.
92. Several of my friends have told me Rob should teach husband classes. I agree.
93. Rob loves me unconditionally, despite all my flaws.
94. I’m a bit dramatic at times (or most of the time), but Rob just laughs at me and takes care of me.
95. I don’t function or sleep well when Rob is out of town. I’m not convinced I’ll be able to breathe if I were to ever lose him. That sounded a bit more psychotic than I intended, but it’s true.
96. I met Rob in the summer of 1999, and I was in love with him by November 1st. We were great friends for a year, dated four months, engaged for eight months, and married for over nine years. This has been the best eleven years of my life.
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Rob & his mom…..love those eyes! |
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My little super-hero! |
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Always happy….note the Ewok Village on the couch. |
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Our first photo together…just friends.
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We walked to this playground one night on our very first date. He spun that thing so fast I puked. Twice. |
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He loves his Chipotle. He often takes a moment of silence before eating the burrito. |
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This is our first trip to LA for a Lakers game. We got to meet Horace Grant. Rob was so excited! |
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One of Rob’s adult birthday parties. Our friends are the best! |
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Happy birthday, Rob! I love you! |
Out of pure excitement for my birthday I am wide awake at 5:00 AM. What a great surprise to see this blog post. Thanks Monica! I love you.
Happy birthday mate – one day we'll hit Chick Fil A together!
happy birthday rob! great list and pictures!
Happy B'Day, Rob. Great list, Monica. Makes me happy to read it.
#57 is the ultimate in true love. You are blessed to have each other–a dynamic duo.
Happy birthday Rob. You are so blessed. I don't know why I am crying after reading M's list, but they are happy tears for the both of you.
Happy birthday, Rob! I agree, you two are so blessed, but I feel blessed that you guys are part of my son and daughter in-laws life. You two are the kind of friends that moms pray for their kids to find. I love you two! Have a super fabulous day with your sweet wife!
RobShep, I am now more convinced you are an angel from above. What a great "guest" post Mon.
This is Jeff and Anna Bondi. We could not be more excited for who you are and how you embody the love of Christ to Monica. She has been precious to us for years and we could not be happier that the two of you have each other. What evidence of God's grace, His immense love and unmerited favor. Though sadly we have followed your lives from afar we have always been HUGE Monica fans!!! She is the best! You are an amazing blessing to her. We prayed for years that God would bless her beyond her dreams…in you He has!That list is something special. The way you love each other is inspiring. I can assure you that I (and most any man) would fail the Rob Shepherd husband class. Would you have a curve? I think I would still fail miserably. Thanks for setting the bar so high!!! And for loving Monica so well.
Happy Birthday!!!
We would LOVE to take the two of you to dinner sometime. It would be a privilege and a real treat for us.
Jeff and Anna
You two both are incredibly beautiful people!! Loved reading this!
Julie Wagner
Happy birthday, Rob! I'm glad Monica could hijack your blog to post all those things she loves about you. She definitely beat you out…
You look exactly the same from your little kid pictures until now!
Monica,loved the post. Rob,this may be the best birthday ever.:)
Ok…I'm literally crying over here. You two are awesome. Happy birthday Rob!