So Dave Barnes Tweeted about a video called Guy On A Buffalo. Jon Acuff then blogged about it. I showed my wife and she pondered “why haven’t you blogged about that!” I told her it was because Jon Acuff already did. Well…we laughed so hard at the videos that I couldn’t help but share it with you. Enjoy…
And the equally funny sequel Guy On A Buffalo – Episode 2 (Orphans, Cougars, and What Not). Enjoy…
Man vs. Wild dosen’t have anything on this show! They should have Man on a Buffalo Episode 3, MOB vs. Atomic Bomb. Something tells me MOB wins!dzzzzzzzzz, that was Trenton weighin in on his opinion of the vid.
And this is why I stop by Thanks for the laugh. Now time for bed.
This has made me laugh so much this week!!!
Episode 3 is now up!!! Sadly though, it is the finale part 1….
Who needs Silver and Trigger after seeing this!
Saturday morning…lots to do…good diversion and laugh. Thanks Rob. Do you think this will be good to show during a sermon?
Bill, I think it’d be great. It’s clean fun. At least at my church it’d go over well.
Man vs. Wild dosen’t have anything on this show! They should have Man on a Buffalo Episode 3, MOB vs. Atomic Bomb. Something tells me MOB wins!dzzzzzzzzz, that was Trenton weighin in on his opinion of the vid.
Saw that the other day. Couldn’t have laughed harder that morning! 🙂