While I’m on vacation I thought I’d have some of my friends guest blog. Today’s post is sponsored by the following: Monica Shepherd. Monica is the best school teacher ever, an amazing wife, and my bestest friend. Enjoy.

Things you might not know about robshep.com:

  • Rob refuses to use Neosporin because he heard Dr. Oz talk about it one time on his show.
  • I was Rob’s first kiss.
  • If Rob is taking a nap, you must wake him up gently, or you risk getting physically attacked.
  • Rob has never had a moustache, and he can’t grow a beard.
  • He really wants to have a baby boy; I really want to have a baby girl.
  • He owns two pairs of superhero underpants.
  • Rob is a faithful friend, and he loves the guys God has placed in his life over the years.
  • He is incredibly ticklish, but is easily angered when attacked.
  • He thinks lima beans are putrid.
  • In seminary one semester, he took 21 credits. It was crazy.
  • He is one of the most disciplined people I know. He works out regularly and spends time with God everyday at 7:45am.
  • Surrounding my Southern Living décor on his dresser are four superhero action figures.
  • He makes me a better person.
  • Rob can make his eyeballs wiggle back and forth rapidly. It’s crazy weird.
  • On our bed, one of his pillow cases is Batman and the other is Ninja Turtles.
  • Rob hates to camp. He does it for me and to hang with our friends.
  • Even though he’s loved the Lakers since he was in third grade, it wasn’t until 2001 that I brought him to his first Lakers game and bought him his first Lakers jersey.
  • He’s never had an alcoholic drink before.
  • He hears crazy stories every day from people, but is never surprised and doesn’t judge them.
  • He hates almost all white food such as sour cream, cottage cheese, and cream cheese.
  • He leaves me a handwritten note every Sunday to find when I wake up.
  • He has hobbit feet.
  • He names his cars after his friends’ moms. June (Jamey’s mom) was his car when I met him in college, and Val (DReeves’ mom) is his car now.
  • He makes better homemade cookies than me. He can hold his own in the kitchen.