Kyle is a great friend of mine who lives in Texas. He’s a pastor, and a fellow blogger. Check out his blog here. Thanks Kyle for the guest post!

It’s common knowledge that Texas is just plain awesome. What may not be common knowledge is its ability to beat up other states. Recently, the governor of Texas, Rick Perry, made a threat to the United States that Texas may consider seceding from the nation. You can check it out here. So alongside such strong words from the President of Texas, it is with great pleasure that I now present to you 10 Reasons Why Texas can beat up any current state in the USA:
10. Chuck Norris
9. Drunk Cowboys
8. It’s just big
7. It used to be its own country
6. Texas has its own state reptile, large mammal, small mammal (which still happens to be huge), flying mammal, and fruit. And oh yeah, it’s own power grid.
5. Pecos Bill
4. Texas has at least 2 countries living inside of it- Mexico and the United States.
3. Every day at school, children pledge allegiance to the Texas flag. You too can memorize it, set a reminder on your phone, and recite it every day . . . or else . . .
2. The state flag of Texas is just as big (in many cases bigger) than the flag for the United States of America
1. Chuck Norris lives in Texas and is going to grab Texas by the Panhandle and slap your state off of the map. He actually did this 3 years ago to the state of New Jersey and with Governor Perry’s permission they were allowed to rejoin the union.