Grace is not fair. Grace is getting what we don’t deserve. It’s not just being let off for something you did it’s getting a prize instead. It’s like getting pulled over because you were speeding and the cop says your forgiven and here’s $100. It’s committing a hanus sin and then having God forgive you, restore you, and show you love like you’ve never experienced. Now don’t get me wrong there are always affects to our poor choices, but grace is unfair.
Grace seems unfair, but I’m thankful for that. To borrow a line from the band Relient K, “The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair.” I’m blown away that God still loves me after some of the blatant choices I’ve made. I’m astonished that God still uses me in spite of myself. It becomes a lot easier to swallow how God can show grace to others when you’ve experienced it yourself. When I experience it for myself I’m glad that grace is unfair.
Amen! Good word rob!
I have never thought about grace in this light. This point of view has relevance in my life in several areas. I will take some more time today to pray about this and ponder it and to thank God for his gift.
rereading Ragamuffin Gospel right now…one of my favorite books on grace.