I’m still nervous about the thought of having twins. I can’t wait and I’m excited…but I’m nervous. Yesterday we went for another ultrasound and it was amazing to see how much they’ve grown.  One of the twins even looked like he was waving to us. The fact that my kid is not even born and he can already wave makes me think he’ll be gifted.  I kid I kid. 


Pictured Above: These are the first pictures where the twins actually look like babies.


I’ve heard that with parenting or leadership that habits are often caught just as much as they are taught.  In other words it’s important to teach right from wrong, but it’s equally important to model it.  I’ve got some bad habits that I hope my kids don’t pick up on. I often eat late at night, I tend to be about 5 minutes late to most things, and I text other people when I hang out with my friends.
One thing that I hope my kids will say about me is that I love Jesus. I hope that they will be able to see it by the way that I live my life.  I’m challenged by a verse in the Bible that I recently read. “Follow my example, as I follow ??the example of Christ.” – I Corinthians 11:1.  The author is challenging his readers to follow his example. Sure he’s not perfect. Sure he has faults. Sure he had some bad days, but he was so consistent in following Jesus that he could confidently ask his readers to follow his example.  That’s what I want. I want my twins, the students in my youth group, my friends, and the people at Waters Edge Church to follow my example as I follow the example of Christ. 
I’m nervous to make mistakes with my kids, but I’m confident that they can follow my example and it will lead them to a relationship with Jesus.