I may have not started strong, but I want to finish well. 

When I first started working in ministry I was an intern at my home church.  After two years I was basically forced out.  I was strongly encouraged to take another job at another church because I was never going to be more than an intern.  
My first year of college I met with my former boss, Stu Hodges.  Some of the college students were pushing for me to lead the college ministry back at my home church.  I met with Stu to let him know I wasn’t pushing to have the job.  After I met with him I asked if he ever would consider me for that position.  He said, “Rob, to be honest, I don’t think I could ever work with you again.” 
Three years later Stu hired me to be the Assistant Youth Pastor.  We worked great together as a team.  So much so that when Stu started Waters Edge he offered me a job.  I’ve been working at Waters Edge now for 5 years and I love it.  Stu and I have a great relationship.  Rough beginnings are hard to overcome, but if you are committed to finish strong it’s possible to be remembered for who you are and not who you once were.