My friend Jamey
I thought you might like to know how Felicia is doing at this point. From the first time I talked to her last night (after the show), I have been in awe of the peace, strength and poise that she has exhibited…in the face of rejection. I am so blown away by this woman that I have the honor of calling my wife and best friend. She is truly remarkable! I also think that ‘getting the boot’ back in January (and living with that reality for a month) really prepared us, in a unique way, to handle this disappointment and to be able to rise above it and look forward, with great expectations. One big difference, however, between last time and this time is amazing…Felicia has now had the opportunity to do exactly what she had longed to do…she sang for millions of people, live, on American Idol! And she knocked it out of the park! The judges sang her praises, the Idol staff and executives would not stop talking about her beauty and presence on stage, and now people all over America are speaking out, outraged that the judges passed Felicia over, for the Wild Card Show!
But you know what? Felicia said it best, Tuesday night, to Paula Abdul…”Everything happens for a reason.” Well said, baby. We believe that with all of our hearts. This journey has been hand-crafted for us by Someone who knows us and loves us. Our hearts are very full right now.
So…we’re looking forward to celebrating Felicia’s birthday, tomorrow, here in L.A.! We’re looking forward to getting home to Virginia Beach to see our friends and family. We’re looking forward to celebrating Malachi’s 2nd birthday on Tuesday!! We’re looking forward to taking a week off! And…we’re looking forward to a long and successful music career for Felicia! Through this journey, so many terrific doors have been opened to us, and we have had the privilege of forging relationships with more than a few incredible, new friends…each of whom is excited about helping to launch her career! …more on that when the time is right!In the meantime…please download Felicia’s Idol performance of “No One” from the iTunes Music Store (just $.99)! We purchased it last night, and she sounds simply amazing!! I’m sure it will be a new favorite in your iPod!God bless you. We’ll keep you up to date on what to expect next!
Loren Barton
It actually made me mad she didn’t make it to the wild card. Or Ju Know or however you say his name. In fact I said I was done watching this season after that. We’ll see if that’s the case.
It mad me angry also. They knocked out a couple of great performers for ratings. How amazing are Felicia & Loren to have this attitude about it all. God does have big plans for her.
I was sad she did not make it. The show seems to be all whacked out this year!