I recently posted about my adventure with Gold Bond. It burns but the burn lets me know that it’s working. For some time now I have been using Nioxin hair treatments. It doesn’t burn. I wish it did. I don’t like the burning sensation but it makes me feel like it’s working. It’s like when you put peroxide on a scrape. It burns. It fizzles. It burns some more. That’s how you know it’s working. Every time I use the really expensive shampoo I wish that it burned. The shampoo is supposed to help me not go bald, but it doesn’t even tingle. I’m left wondering if it really works.

Unless you are some type of weirdo nobody likes pain. Nobody likes pain and yet pain is one of the ways that God gets our attention. I recently read a story about an elderly women who had a stroke and fell onto her bathroom floor. For three long days she laid in pain. After three days a neighbor came to her rescue. While in the hospital her grandson asked her what she was thinking about for those gruelling three days. She said, “I’ve never been closer to God my whole life than when I was in pain.”

We live in a fallen world where pain happens. Pain happens and it’s in the midst of that pain that we often seek God with our whole hearts. It’s in the midst of that pain that we are often quiet enough to hear Him. It’s in the pain that we take the time to focus our attention on Him. God could leave us alone during our pain but instead He is present in our pain.

I don’t like the burn but it makes me feel like a product is working. I don’t like the burn of pain but it’s often how I know that God is working.

What product do you use that burns? When have you felt God in the midst of pain?