Once upon a time people used to hang out on their front porch. It’s where life happened. Today the front porch is long and gone. People are isolated. In my opinion that isolation has led to loneliness. We are surrounded by people but yet very few people actually know us. We hide away in our homes and we only let people see glimpses of who we really are.

Today the world wide web has become the new front porch. Whether it’s Twitter, online dating services, MySpace, a Blog, or Facebook people are getting connected through the web. I don’t think it’s as good as the front porch because people aren’t always honest online. People also have a tendency to be more bold online then they ever would be in person.

I love Facebook and I love having a blog. I feel like I’ve been able to create some sort of community through them. But at the end of the day if I fall I have to call out for help by typing. Back in the day if a person fell you saw it because you lived life on the front porch and it happened in front of you. When I write about falling I’m not talking about physically. I’m talking about falling in life.

There is a guy that I barely know that has asked me to pray for him via Facebook. I don’t know what is going on in his life but his problems have led him to call out to me.

I heard about a person’s surgery via Facebook. They had a major operation that I didn’t have a fat clue about until I saw their updated status via Facebook.

I learned that a friend was divorced because they updated their Facebook status to single.

Facebook is the new front porch, and I’m thankful for it…but it’s not as good.

To be continued…