This is post part one in a double feature movie review. Stay tuned for later today to read the second post.

When it comes to big budget superhero movies the spectrum ranges from Hulk (awful, art house, mess of a movie) to The Dark Knight (amazing, one of the best films of all time, captivating story). I’m a sucker for superhero flicks. I typically end up buying the good and the bad on video. Green Lantern falls somewhere in the middle of the spectrum. Somewhere near Fantastic Four. It’s not the worst superhero movie of all time but it is galaxies away from the best.

The problem with the Green Lantern is it’s too much movie and not enough plot. What I mean is that the movie jumps from earth to space multiple times. Each time it introduces characters but it never goes into depth for any of the supporting cast. The movie sets out to be epic and it feels like a fat guy in a little coat. The size of the movie doesn’t fit no matter how hard it tries.

If you love movies and you love superhero movies then catch this one for a matinee. If not then just wait till it hits video and rent it. It’s rated PG-13 for a few swears and some action violence. I give it a thumb to the side.

Rob’s Rating System =
Two Thumbs Up – A great movie worth paying full price.
One Thumb Up – A decent attempt and worth seeing at a matinee price.
Thumb to the side – An ok film, but wait for video.
Thumb down – A stinker of a film. Don’t waste you life seeing it.