During my first year of marriage I worked at a church as the Assistant Minister to Students. I loved my time there. There was however one not so positive thing about my experience there. I didn’t know if what I was doing was making a difference.

I worked my tail off that first year. I worked hard to build relationships and make a difference in the students lives. After a year of being on staff I felt like God was leading me to pursue a Masters in Seminary. As soon as it was announced that I was leaving people came out of the woodwork to show their appreciation. Mom’s who I had never met would stop me in the hallway and tell me how hot I was…that is so not true. I just wanted to make sure you were still reading. The truth is that parents who I had never met would stop me to tell me that I had made a difference in their child’s life.

I remember talking with my wife during that experience. I didn’t work hard to be appreciated but it would have been nice to know I was making a difference before we left. Why do we wait until someone leaves or dies before we tell them how much they mean to us? Maybe you think they will get a big head if you tell them. Maybe you haven’t been appreciated enough and so you are just treating people the way you have been treated. Maybe we are just so self absorbed that we don’t make time to think about others. Whatever the reason if you have someone in your life who you love you should tell them. If you know someone who has helped make you a better person you should encourage them by letting them know.

If someone has made a difference in your life don’t be afraid to tell them. Write a note, send them a card, give them a random gift, take them to lunch, call them on the phone. It doesn’t matter what you do just do something today. Who knows tomorrow you may not have the chance.

PS: I’m blessed to work at Waters Edge. One of the things I love about it is that I know where I stand with the people who attend. I feel appreciated.