Have you ever taken the tour of the Coke Factory in Atlanta? I have. In fact I’ve taken it twice. I think kids would enjoy it, but as an adult it’s pretty cheesy. So why would I pay money to go on this tour twice. It’s because at the end of the tour you get to taste the Coke. Not just Coke but all the various sodas that Coke makes. I drank so many samples I felt sick. It was totally worth it. In fact I will take the Coke tour again someday just for the experience of sampling as much free soda as I want.
There is a verse in the Old Testament that says, “Taste and see that the LORD is good.” Notice that it says taste before it says see? In other words you have to experience God for yourself before you’ll see the affects of God in your life.
I think a lot of people go to church but never experience God. Many people treat church like it’s a tour. The pastor is the tour guide describing the history of God. The problem is that until a person tastes for themselves they are only listening to someone else’s experience. Sometimes they may feel guilty about what they hear. They may even want to change, but nothing ever comes of it.
I think tasting God means that we are to experience Him for ourselves. It’s the experience or taste that makes you come back for more. Jesus told His followers to eat Him because all they wanted to do was see. They wanted one more miracle. Jesus wants us to taste which means to believe in Him before we see.
Some people think it’s crazy to save sex for marriage, give 10% of your income to the church, forgive people who have hurt you, love your enemies, confess faults, serve others, read the Bible, submit your life to God. It’s crazy to take the Coke tour more than once, but it’s worth it for the taste. If you just see God, the rules, and what it means to follow Christ it looks crazy. But it’s not crazy after you have tasted. We are to taste and then see. When you have experienced God for yourself it may seem crazy, but it’s anything but. Once you’ve tasted it radically changes your life.
Rob, I almost missed this post as you posted twice today. Part 5 was worth the price of admission (going through the first 4 parts). You make an important point that all of us need to remember. Even for more mature Christians, the repeated tasting is required to stave off complacency, boredom, and forgetfulness.
I agree Rob, and I like the point you're making. I'm still waiting to find out if Jesus does in fact taste like chicken. But you're right, experience for yourself, over and over. BTW I need you to just admit you like men in womens clothing, because you know wayyyyy too much about it.
Daniel, thanks for sticking with the posts on Jesus tasting like Chicken. I appreciate your feedback.
Matt, I think you may have missed post number 2 where I explained that the joke that people say all animals except for cows and pigs taste like chicken. I was playing off that joke when I asked does Jesus taste like chicken.
PS I looked the movies up on wikipedia
Jesus tastes like chicken?!?!
For a while there Rob I was wondering what you'd been smoking!
But seriously this is a great series of posts – God is to be felt, experienced, known – love it!
Thanks John
Nice conclusion.