The following post is meant to start a discussion. I am not saying that I’m right. I’d love to know your opinion.

I often hear people say that everything happens for a reason. I think that some things happen for a reason but not everything. Somethings we can trace back to the reason. For example…

  • If you have bad gas then the reason is because of something you ate.
  • If you gain weight then the reason is because you ate too much.
  • If you are lazy at your and you get fired then the reason is because you were lazy at your job.
  • If your house smells gag nasty then the reason is because you have animals who stink up the joint or because you don’t clean.
  • If you make a bad choice and suffer the consequences then the reason is because you made a bad choice.

I’m on board with saying that there is a reason for some things, but I’m not on board with saying that everything happens for a reason. For example…

  • The other day I fell down the stairs. What’s the reason for that?
  • The other day I knocked over a glass while making breakfast and it spilled water all over my floor. What’s the reason for that?
  • A friend of mine is pregnant after years of trying. I just got word that she had a miscarriage. What’s the reason for that?
  • I blogged about Emily. Emily is an eight year old girl who has had cancer for most of her life. What’s the reason for that?
  • After three years of trying to get pregnant God blessed us with a pregnancy. It was a miracle. The doctors said that we could not get pregnant without help and we did. At our eight week appointment the doctor told us that we had a miscarriage. What’s the reason for that?
  • Our twins had surgery yesterday to for hernias. What’s the reason for that?

The Bible never says that everything happens for a reason. Many people will be able to look at the events that I mentioned and find a potential reason. I’ve had people say to me that the reason we had a miscarriage was to be a blessing to other couples. That’s not a great reason for something to happen. The Bible compares God to a perfect father. Imagine a dad torturing his son so that he could relate to someone else who has been tortured. That doesn’t make sense. For God to bring pain so that a person could be a blessing is not a reassuring reason. On the other hand…

The Bible says “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28 (NIV). The word that I want to focus on is works. God works for the good.  I don’t think that everything happens for a reason. We live in a fallen world where unexplainable tragedies occur. I drove myself crazy trying to find a reason as to why we went through our miscarriage. On the other hand God worked in that situation to draw us to Him. God worked in that situation to allow us to be a blessing to others. We have been able to comfort many people because of our story. God worked in spite of our mess. God works for the good.

Sometimes there is a reason and sometimes there is no reason that will suffice. Instead of a reason we have a relationship. God works to draw us to Him and to make good out of the bad things that happen. I don’t think he causes the bad things so that we can be a blessing to others.

So what are your thoughts?