My wife calls me in a frantic state to let me know that there was a recall on all Slim-Fast cans. Apparently some of the cans had a bacteria on them that causes explosive liquid to spew from both ends of your body. Hearing that made me giggle. There are no issues with other Slim-Fast products…just the cans. You can get a full refund for all cans from Slim-Fast.
I have two cans left in my fridge from a six pack. To drink or not to drink? That is the question.
Rob, the decision is quite clear. If you return the cans, get your money back, your world will go on and you will have no further stories to tell. If you drink the liquid goo, and explode from every orifice, then you will have stories to tell and blog matter to write about for years to come. Drink the liquid goo. Do it now. Don't procrastinate. Drink, drink, drink.
You might have an opportunity to vomit for the first time ever–hard to pass that up! But then you couldn't brag about it. Tough call.
Daniel, don't you worry I made the wise choice and drank it. So far no worries.
Faith, I thought the same thing.
Courageous consideration. I thought the reason you never vomited was because you never allowed anything to touch your lips that didn't pass the 5-star Rob vision, smell, and keen sense test. You are drinking Splenda– even Splenda that might be contaminated. That's daring!
Mim, thanks for the comment. pagani guangzhi casualty whiteley jossey