• Batman and Robin – George Clooney said “that he would personally refund anyone who saw the film. He often apologizes for the movie in interviews, and joked on David Letterman‘s Late Show that Arnold Schwarzenegger “helped me ruin the Batman franchise..”
  • Speed 2: Cruise Control
  • The House of Sand and Fog
  • Envy – a comedy that nobody in the theater laughed at…even once.
  • Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End
  • Stop or My Mom will Shoot
  • The New World – this movie made time stand still. I kept telling myself not to look at my watch. After what seemed like 3 hours I looked and only 30 minutes had pasted.
  • Junior – Arnold Schwarzenegger as a pregnant guy. Nuff said.
  • Blade Runner – this is supposed to be a classic. My brother and I watched it and afterward we wanted to kill ourselves.