I have an exceptional memory when it comes to stories, movies I’ve seen, sports facts, useless trivia etc. Yet when it comes to things I should remember I struggle.
How to do the laundry. I know the basics like…separate the colors, wash then dry the clothes, and to always use a dryer sheet. I struggle with remembering what settings to put the washer and dryer on for each set of clothes. I also struggle to remember what clothes my wife line dries instead of drying them in the machine.
Which way is north, south, east or west.
Street names.
Grocery lists. My wife will tell me what we need from the store. I will listen. But the moment I walk into the grocery store I don’t have a fat clue what I’m there for. If I don’t right it down I’m screwed.
My fourth grade teacher. I remember all the others but her…or him. I don’t know who it was.
Grammar and spelling. I know most the rules of grammar yet when I write I just word vomit things out and totally forget the basics.
My parents birthdays. I have the months down but I have to think really hard to get the days. Sorry Mom and Dad.
To bring my keys with me when I leave the house. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been in my own world thinking deep thoughts, and walked out of my house to realize…oh poo! I just locked myself out.
on April 3, 2009 at 2:32 pm
One reason Tim Dominice loves Colorado Springs: the mountains are always West 🙂
If you just put all the laundry on a clothes drying rack then you won’t accidently dry anything in the machine you are not suppose to and you’ll save a bunch of money as well.
One reason Tim Dominice loves Colorado Springs: the mountains are always West 🙂
If you just put all the laundry on a clothes drying rack then you won’t accidently dry anything in the machine you are not suppose to and you’ll save a bunch of money as well.