by Rob Shepherd | Aug 28, 2009 |
We don’t get to control a whole lot in life. We like to be in control but think about how much we really can’t control. You can’t control your name. Your name is given to you whether you like or not. You can’t control your looks. I mean you can...
by Rob Shepherd | Aug 28, 2009 |
Every time one of my favorite musical artists releases an album I get a little nervous. What if the artist doesn’t deliver? What if I hate the new music? It may seem silly but I don’t have that many favorite artists anymore. I used to love lots of bands...
by Rob Shepherd | Aug 27, 2009 |
Do you want to make an investment that changes some one’s life?Over the last five years of my life I’ve been investing in a guy from my Student Community Group. There were many weeks were I didn’t feel like I was making a difference. There were many...
by Rob Shepherd | Aug 26, 2009 |
The YMCA has a great program where they collect money to send kids back to school shopping. Each kid gets 5 at Wal-Mart. For the last two years Waters Edge has financially sponsored kids to go shopping. But wait there’s more…the staff also takes the kids...
by Rob Shepherd | Aug 25, 2009 |
Thousands of years ago God provided manna from Heaven for the Israelites in the wilderness. No one knows what that manna tasted like but I suspect it was a lot like a Chipotle burrito. Like manna from Heaven God inspired the yummy goodness that is Chipotle. If you let...
by Rob Shepherd | Aug 24, 2009 |
Vs. – a challenge at where you decide the outcome. On this weeks Vs.Pancakes vs. Waffles.If you had to pick one for breakfast who would win?