The Water Cooler

Water Cooler (wa·ter cool·er): a device that dispenses cooled drinking water and often serves as a focal point in a workplace where colleagues meet and talk about popular culture.Do you ever feel left out because you don’t have much to add to the conversation...

One: A Student Experience

This past Wednesday Waters Edge hosted One: A Student Experience. I shared earlier this week that I was excited and nervous about the event. I prayed that God would draw Students to Himself and I believe he answered my prayer. 240 Students showed up to One. The...


One is a powerful number. Think about it, if you have six zeroes what do you have? You have nothing, zilch, zero. But if you add a one to the front of those six zeroes you get 1,000,000. Think about all the things that you only get to do once. You only turn 16 once....

One: A Student Experience

I’m amped for One: A Student Experience tonight at Waters Edge. It’s a one time event to kick off the school year. Our entire Sunday production team is going to be there. Full band, tech crew, stage hands, and Lead Pastor Stu Hodges. We’ve never done...

Brain Dump

My brain feels constipated with thoughts. I need to get them out. The following is a brain dump of all the random stuff going on in my head.I had a great weekend. One of my best friends from middle school/high school was in town from GA. It was fun hanging with him...

Obedience Part 2

Here’s the point, Abraham obeyed and God provided a miracle. I’m already circumcised so I don’t think that is what God is telling me to do. I do think that God is saying that the more I’m willing to obey the greater I will see Him work in my...