by Rob Shepherd | Jan 12, 2010 |
We need more AI Leong’s in this world? Who is AI Leong you ask?Well, in the late 80’s and early 90’s there was an actor who showed up in a lot of action movies. Whenever my brother and I would see this guy we knew it was going to be a good movie. We...
by Rob Shepherd | Jan 11, 2010 |
Sunday at Waters Edge was week two of our series “5 Easy Steps to Wreck Your Life.” In preparation for this service the programming staff came up with a funny video segment. You see, when we think about five easy steps we can’t help but think about...
by Rob Shepherd | Jan 8, 2010 |
So for my wife’s birthday I bought her an iPod touch. It has opened a new world for the Shepherd home…Apps. We now have spent many a minutes with Words with Friends, Shake & Spell, Harbor Master, ESPN ScoreCenter, and Link Four (stay away from the chat...
by Rob Shepherd | Jan 7, 2010 |
Flash Mob (plural flash mobs)1.A group of people who converge on a spot with little forewarning, perform some action (usually a protest), and disperse quickly.Thanks If you haven’t seen a Flash Mob they are pretty incredible. I don’t have a...
by Rob Shepherd | Jan 6, 2010 |
Once a year my siblings and our families take a new picture to give to our parents. We take it at Picture People in the mall. They do a great job of putting you in the most awkward positions possible. We are pretty sure my nephew is a result of last year’s pose....
by Rob Shepherd | Jan 5, 2010 |
As a parent, teacher, or boss have you ever felt like the people you lead have zoned you out? Here are some common coaching behaviors that lead to zoning out…If you are a yeller chances are the teams you lead will eventually zone out to your rants. For a great...